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158 Relations avec les membres trouvé(s), affichage de 51 à 100.
OT & Assistive Technology
vendredi (CST| HSC): 11:00-11:25 | Networking group

Rosalie Wang Emma Smith

With increasing pervasiveness of technology, enhancing competency and capacity in practice is a necessity for occupational therapists. In this forum, we will discuss recent and future activities of the National CAOT Practice Network focused on technology for occupation and participation.

F Occupational Therapists Assistant Network
vendredi (CST| HSC): 11:00-11:25 | Networking group

Debra Cooper

Come join the new Occupational Therapists Assistant Network in their introductory session. The network strives to connect OTs and OTAs, while advocating and educating about the OTA role to allow for further collaboration between the professions. Please come join the discussion or to have any OTA practice questions answered. New members are welcome.

F30 Students & New Practitioners Practice Network
vendredi (CST| HSC): 11:00-11:25 | Networking group
Participation et inclusion | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Jess Irish Avneet Chohan

The Students and New Practitioners Practice Network has been developed to meet the needs of students and new practitioners in Canada. This Practice Network will provide a variety of resources and networking opportunities to encourage leadership, collaboration, enablement, accountability, scholarship, and advocacy within the profession of occupational therapy.

F76 Developing observational skills in occupational therapy
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:00-13:25 | Présentation par affiche
Éducation | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Annmarie Villanueva (University of Toronto | Toronto), Provvidenza Dearcangelis University of Toronto, Debbie Hebert University of Toronto, Emily Nalder University of Toronto

Introduction: Observation is a continuous, purposeful process in which the observer identifies key information from individuals or their environment. It is a foundational occupational therapy (OT) practice skill that is required to assess occupational performance, and monitor the effectiveness of interventions. Objectives: To describe the current state of the literature discussing strategies used to facilitate the development of observational skills in OT, and characterize how observation skills are conceptualized in this literature. Approach: A scoping review, structured after the Joanna Briggs Institute’s methodological framework (Peters et al., 2015) will be conducted. A structured literature search through CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, ERIC and grey literature will be conducted to identify studies, or white papers that report on developing observation skills in the field of occupational science and OT, and/or include a sample of occupational therapists or OT students. Bibliographic and methodological information, definitions of observation, and strategies used to develop observation skills will be extracted from included papers. Key themes will be summarized and reported in the form of narrative analysis. Results: The findings will elucidate how observation skills are conceptualized (e.g., as a skill/process), and developed through learning strategies or educational programs. Conclusions: The results can inform OT students and educators on how observation skills can be harnessed and improved. Strategies shown through research to improve observation skills could be utilized in clinical training programs to foster these skills. The scoping review findings will also highlight gaps in evidence and can direct future research.

T78 From restricting wandering to promoting safe wandering in dementia
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:00-13:25 | Présentation par affiche
Santé mentale | Personne âgée

Noelannah Neubauer (University of Alberta |University of Waterloo), Christine Daum University of Alberta, Lili Liu University of Waterloo

Introduction: Wandering that leads to a person going missing is a major concern to families, health professionals, and first responders. Its consequences can be devastating, resulting in stress, caregiver burden, injury, and death. However, wandering does not always lead to going missing. Some suggest that wandering can be relaxing, enjoyable, and a way to exercise. Yet, the term wandering continues to have negative connotations. Objective: To describe how persons living with dementia and health professionals (including occupational therapists) perceive the concept of wandering. Methods: Generic qualitative description guided this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 persons living with dementia and 12 health care professionals. Interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim. Results: While all participants described wandering-related risks and threats to safety, participants saw beyond the negative implications. Some perceived wandering as a necessary way to reduce agitation and frustration. Others felt it gave people “something to do”. Still others viewed wandering as directly linked to occupations that people engaged in earlier in their lives. Thus, wandering allows people to engage in these previous occupations, albeit in a different way. Conclusions: Understanding that wandering can be purposeful challenges occupational therapists to find ways to promote safe wandering rather than restricting wandering altogether. Locator devices can be used to support such safe wandering and facilitate living well with dementia.

F35 Psychotherapy and occupational therapy: Inspiring a national conversation
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:00-13:55 | Séance de longue durée
Santé mentale | Adulte

Sandra Moll (McMaster University | Hamilton), Carrie Anne Marshall Western University, Niki Kiepek Dalhousie University, Cathy White, Nadine Lariviere Universite de Sherbrooke, Pamela Wener University of Manitoba, Mary Forhan University of Alberta, Skye Barbic University of British Columbia

Rationale: Counselling and psychotherapy is a key part of evidence-based practice in mental health settings, yet there is little documentation of the practice patterns of Canadian occupational therapists. Lobbying for public funding of psychotherapy services, and regulatory changes across the country underscore the importance of clearly positioning our profession within this changing landscape. Objectives: This extended discussion will review research evidence and provide opportunity for dialogue regarding the perspectives, practice patterns, and advocacy needs of Canadian occupational therapists who provide mental health services. Approach: First, findings from a three-phase, mixed methods study will be presented: a) a scoping review of peer-reviewed research regarding psychotherapy in OT; b) an online survey of OTs across Canada regarding their psychotherapy knowledge, beliefs and practices; and c) regional focus group discussions regarding implications of the study findings. Attendees will then be engaged in generating priorities for advocacy and training and knowledge translation, both within and outside the profession. Results: Study findings highlight historical trends and gaps in research evidence regarding a range of OT approaches to psychotherapy, and current Canadian practice trends regarding the perceived competence, training, and implementation of psychotherapy approaches. Conclusions: Occupational therapists must be part of the national conversation regarding regulation and provision of psychotherapy services by identifying evidence-based, proactive strategies to position our unique occupation-based approach to mental health service delivery

F37 WFOT Sponsored Session: WFOT’s resources for responding to disasters and other project highlights
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:00-13:55 | Séance parrainée
Problèmes généraux/professionnels | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Andrew Freeman (WFOT Director)

During this challenging year, it seems highly appropriate to provide information about WFOT’s various resources for responding to disasters. Some of the elements of these resources will be presented during this session as will information about some of WFOT’s current important projects.

F34 Do-it-yourself assistive technology solutions
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:00-14:55 | Hands-on presentation
Environnement | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Zee Kesler (Neil Squire Society, Burnaby) Pran Pradley Neil Squire Society

Introduction: Over the last decade, fabrication tools have become much cheaper and more accessible in community libraries, makerspaces, and in schools. These tools, such as 3d printers, soldering irons, and even laser cutters, and now commonly available and can be used to help make low cost and custom accommodations. Objectives: Session participants will explore repositories of open-source assistive technologies that can be affordably to support people with disabilities, learn the basics of 3D design using online software and connect them to programs in their community to help support their professional development and service delivery. Approach: Introduce OTs to some of the tools that are available online, give them the opportunity to try using them and to create different solutions. They will learn basic 3d modelling skills, develop skills to modify some existing designs, and gain insight into assessing the suitability of models found online. Implications: Connecting OTs to fabrication sources and developing their literacy in the use of these skills will help them provide their clients with more appropriate solutions and at a lower cost. It will also enable them to deepen their professional network and find new solutions to solve barriers for their clientele. Conclusions: The democratization and distribution of the fabrication of assistive technology solutions enables front line Occupational Therapists and other community care workers to better support and enhance the lives of the people they serve. It affords the ability to affordably make a solution, that meets the functional needs and individual goals of the people they serve.

F10 Effects of computerized games on older adults’ cognition: A review
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:30-13:55 | Présentation par affiche
Environnement | Personne âgée

Krystina Tran (University of Alberta | Edmonton), Adriana Rios-Rincon University of Alberta, Shaniff Esmail University of Alberta

Introduction: The popularity of computer games being used as a means of intervention to improve cognition continues to grow because of its feasibility and its potential to be more engaging than traditional intervention. Objectives: This review summarizes the existing literature on the impact of computerized cognitive training (CCT) on cognitive domains of older adults with and without cognitive impairment or dementia. Methods: A systematic search of six databases was carried out for systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses published in English in the last 5 years that looked at the impacts of CCT on cognition in older adults. Results: 453 papers resulted after duplicate removal. A total of nine review papers met inclusion criteria. Of the nine review papers, six investigated healthy older adults, one investigated older adults with cognitive impairment, and two investigated older adults with cognitive impairments and/or dementia. The cognitive domains explored and the findings presented by each review paper were diverse. One of the most investigated domains was global cognition, where three papers found CCT to be effective in healthy older adults. In people with cognitive impairment, CCT was effective for global cognition and attention, but not effective for people with dementia. Conclusions: In all of the review papers, CCT was found to perhaps impact cognition in at least some cognitive domains. This knowledge is useful in occupational therapy, as it better informs the use of CCT as an intervention. However, the extent of its effectiveness and what cognitive domains are impacted, varies greatly and requires further research.

F43 Equipping future leaders: Integrating LEADS into the occupational therapy curriculum
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:30-13:55 | Conférence
Éducation | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Lori Letts (McMaster University | Hamilton), Brenda Lammi LEADS Canada, Ellen Melis, Sandra Moll McMaster University, Jackie Bosch McMaster University, Jennifer Michetti, Rebecca Gerwurtz McMaster University, Laurie Perrett McMaster University

Introduction: In preparing student occupational therapists for entry to practice, leadership is an important focus, particularly given the diverse, complex and changing practice contexts that they may encounter upon graduation. Across Canada, the LEADS in a Caring Environment framework (LEADS) is being adopted as a guiding capabilities framework in health and social service settings. Objectives: The objective of this initiative was to integrate LEADS training into a Canadian Occupational Therapy program curriculum. Methods: A partnership was formalized between LEADS Canada and faculty members at one Canadian university. Twelve faculty members (permanent and sessional) participated in a series of six LEADS training webinars. Elements of the current curriculum were mapped to LEADS competencies, and gaps were identified. A one-day retreat, facilitated by a LEADS Canada partner, enabled participating faculty to critically reflect on the curriculum and generate potential learning outcomes. The curriculum was then mapped to the learning outcomes, and adjustments were made to ensure comprehensive integration of the LEADS framework. Results: The process of collaboration facilitated curriculum enhancement, and faculty members have become certified internal facilitators for LEADS Canada. Future students will receive certificates of completion for the LEADS Learning Series, a requirement of the Certified Health Executive (CHE) credential for the Canadian College of Health Leaders. Conclusions: Graduating students will receive specialized leadership training through this innovation along with additional credentials to carry into their practice. The program will continue to evaluate this component of the curriculum and monitor ways in which students engage in leadership opportunities after graduation.

T85 Perceptions of power-assist devices for manual wheelchairs
vendredi (CST| HSC): 13:30-13:55 | Présentation par affiche
Environnement | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Angela Eugenio (University of British Columbia | Vancouver), Allison Wood University of British Columbia, Mahsa Khalili University of British Columbia, Johanne Mattie British Columbia Institute of Technology, Jaimie Borisoff British Columbia Institute of Technology, Ben Mortenson University of British Columbia

Introduction: Manual wheelchair users may experience limited occupational engagement due to environmental barriers and the physical demands of wheelchair propulsion (Smith, Sakakibara, & Miller, 2016). Power-assist attachments (that facilitate mobility using battery-powered electric motors) have the potential to address some of these concerns; however, few studies have explored stakeholders’ perceptions of these devices. Objectives: To explore manual wheelchair users’ and clinicians’ perceptions of power-assist devices, and the occupational contexts where these attachments are considered beneficial and/or challenging to use. Methods: In this qualitative description study, focus groups and semi-structured interviews will be conducted with manual wheelchair users aged 14 and older with at least 6 months of manual wheelchair experience, and clinicians with at least 6 months of experience practicing in the field of wheeled mobility. Discussion topics will explore factors regarding user-device and device-environment interactions, as well as the perceived impact of attachments on daily life. A thematic analysis will be performed using an inductive approach (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Results: This study will provide insight into stakeholders’ impressions of power-assist device use, characteristics, and capabilities, and may influence the development of future power-assist attachments. Conclusions: Understanding the needs and perspectives of end-users is imperative to the development of power-assist devices with user-centred designs. Outcomes of this study may lead to the advancement of innovative power-assist technologies that are well-equipped to address the occupational barriers that manual wheelchair users may face.

F66 Enhancing occupational opportunities to support immigrants and refugees’ social participation
vendredi (CST| HSC): 14:00-14:25 | Présentation par affiche
Participation et inclusion | Enfant/ jeunesse

Jaqueline Brower (University of British Columbia | Vancouver), Alex Tham University of British Columbia, Suzanne Huot University of British Columbia

Introduction: With the ongoing arrival of immigrants and refugees (migrants) to Canada, non-profit organizations play a pivotal role in offering occupational opportunities that enable social participation within their host communities. However, few studies have adopted an occupational lens to explore service providers’ perspectives. Objectives: This study investigates service providers’ perceptions of their agencies’ provision of occupational opportunities that promote migrants’ social participation, as well as the benefits of, and barriers to engagement in these occupations. The following research questions were specifically addressed: What is the role of service providers in shaping migrants’ participation in occupations within community spaces? In what ways can migrants’ social participation be enhanced through occupational engagement opportunities? Methods: Key informant interviews were conducted with 20 representatives from service providing organizations that serve the general population and/or migrants specifically. Each semi-structured interview lasted approximately 45 to 60 minutes. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis steps of familiarization, coding and theme generation. Results: Emerging themes highlight the following key considerations: responding to community needs; balancing stability and dynamism in occupational opportunities; reflecting community diversity in policies and programming; advocating for increased migrant inclusion; and navigating complex funding environments. Conclusions: Resulting themes can inform knowledge translation amongst community service providers and occupational scientists/therapists regarding occupational opportunities that have been shown to enable migrants’ social participation within Canadian society. Analysis of perceived benefits and barriers to participating in occupations highlights both the strengths and gaps of current service provision in a region.

F53 Taking action to promote Indigenous occupational therapy student achievement
vendredi (CST| HSC): 14:00-14:55 | Séance de longue durée
Éducation | Adulte

Cara Brown (University of Manitoba | Winnipeg) , Debra Beach-Ducharme University of Manitoba, Gayle Restall University of Manitoba, Nichol Marsch University of Manitoba, Danielle Peebles Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Indigenous Health Research Cluster College of Rehabilitation Sciences University of Manitoba, Kimberly Hart University of Manitoba, M Fricke, Jacquie Ripat University of Manitoba, College of Rehabilitation Sciences Indigenous Health Research Cluster

Background: Indigenous health professional university students face structural barriers to attaining their education. These barriers include historical trauma, racism, financial strain, and expectations to represent Indigenous peoples. Canadian occupational therapy programs need to take action to mitigate barriers to Indigenous students’ academic and fieldwork success. Objective: To promote the development and implementation of strategies that occupational therapy educators, students, and clinicians can use to support entry-level occupational therapy Indigenous students’ success. Approach: The session will begin with sharing research on post-secondary student experiences. The Indigenist Medical Student Stress-Coping Model (Anderson et al., 2015) will be emphasized as a tool for reflecting on how policies and processes in universities may influence Indigenous occupational therapy students. Reflective questions will promote consideration of structural stressors, the role of cultural buffers in mitigating barriers for Indigenous students, and how entry-level occupational therapy programs can promote positive outcomes for Indigenous students. Practice implications: This session will invite participants to consider the colonized position of Indigenous students within university institutions. Participants will learn about processes that can support Indigenous occupational therapy student identity, safety and achievement. Conclusions: This session will provide participants with a practical process to reflect on how an accessible and positive teaching and learning environments for Indigenous students in occupational therapy university programs can be achieved.

F59 Independence at home for people with autism: Exploring environmental factors
vendredi (CST| HSC): 14:30-14:55 | Conférence
Environnement | Adulte

Justine Marcotte (Université Laval | Québec), Marie Grandisson Université Laval, Élise Milot Université Laval

Introduction. Adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often encounter challenges developing their independence at home. Creating residential environments that are favorable to their independence in collaboration with their parents is a promising strategy to foster the development of their independence, as well as their health and wellbeing. Objectives. The objective of the study was to explore the main factors influencing their independence within their home environment. A secondary objective was to compare the perspectives of people with ASD to their parents’. Methods. Ten dyads composed of a person with ASD and at least one of his parents were recruited to participate in individual interviews facilitated using a modified version of the walking interview technique (Evans and Jones, 2011). Participants explained which factors help and limit the independence of the person with ASD. Results. Preliminary findings point to several factors associated with their physical and social environment (e.g.: visual supports, access to technologies, explanations, clarity of the steps to follow) that influence the independence at home of people with ASD. In addition, participants identified other factors within their community such as support from professionals. Participants with ASD and parents generally share similar perspectives regarding the main facilitators and obstacles to their independence. Yet, small differences will be discussed at the conference. Conclusions. Learning about factors influencing independence at home of people with ASD will enhance occupational therapist’s reflections regarding key elements to document during evaluations and potential interventions to create residential environments supporting their full potential.

F60 Community mental health funding and outcomes: A realist synthesis
vendredi (CST| HSC): 14:30-14:55 | Conférence
Santé mentale | Communauté/population

Andrea Duncan (University of Toronto | Toronto)

Rationale: The link between community mental health funding approaches and client outcomes are poorly understood in both the literature and in practice. Objectives: This research project sought to answer the question “How does stakeholder engagement impact outcomes when there is a change in public funding allocation models within community mental health settings?” Methods: This research used a realist synthesis approach. A realist synthesis is used when a researcher seeks to understand “what works, how, in what circumstances and to what extent?” Results: This research project identified that engagement of stakeholders, or lack of engagement, has a significant impact on client outcomes when there is a change in funding model or allocation. Specifically, when service providers and service users are engaged in planning and setting of expectations, improved outcomes are observed. This was observed to be true even when funding allocation was decreased, or a more restrictive funding model was implemented. Similarly, when lack of stakeholder engagement was present, even if funding allotment was increased, poorer outcomes were reported. Outcomes were noted as both system level and service user outcomes. Conclusions: Stakeholder engagement can be time consuming and expensive but is an essential process to ensuring that public funding of community mental health services achieves the best possible outcomes for clients and our health care system.

F77 Occupational therapy interventions for individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
vendredi (CST| HSC): 14:30-14:55 | Présentation par affiche
Réadaptation | Adulte

Haalah Mazhar (McGill University | Montreal), Lesley Perlman McGill University, Tracey Schwartz McGill, Deanna Chronopoulos McGill, Maude Chevalier Mcgill University, Heather Lambert Mcgill University

Introduction: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a complex medical condition that is not yet well understood. It has a number of associated physical, cognitive, emotional, and social implications which can impair an individual’s functional abilities. Currently, no systematic or scoping review exists to direct treatment planning for occupational therapists. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to perform a scoping review the existing occupational therapy research on ME interventions. Methods: A review of relevant databases and grey literature was performed to identify studies of occupational therapy treatment for ME in English, French, and Arabic. Article screenings were carried out by 3 independent researchers. Data extraction was then performed in accordance with modified Cochrane recommendations and risk of bias was assessed. Studies were grouped by type of intervention and each assigned a level of evidence, according to the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. Practice Implications: Due to the lack of clarity surrounding ME etiology and its medical diagnosis, occupational therapy treatment avenues have been unclear. This review presents a preliminary discussion of potentially effective interventions for individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis. Conclusions: This review highlights the need for higher quality empirical research as well as the need for a definitive etiology of the illness in order to clarify treatment pathways.

F69 Home modification projects: Seize opportunities and mitigate risks
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC):  | Hands-on presentation

Marnie Courage Lesya Dyk

Accessible home environments support safe aging in place and engagement in meaningful occupations for people living with varying degrees of ability. Occupational therapists (OTs) bring invaluable expertise to home modification projects. They are, however, to a great extent dependent on the expertise and professionalism of other team members such as home contractors and architects for the optimal implementation of their recommendations.
This interactive session will highlight the various opportunities that exist for OTs in this field, as well as strategies to mitigate risk related to home modification projects. Two occupational therapists with extensive experience in the area of home modification and one expert in professional liability insurance will offer their expertise in this session, and participants will have ample opportunity for questions and to interact with the presenters.

S14 Work environment factors for mental health promotion and rehabilitation
vendredi (CST| HSC): 15:15-15:40 | Présentation par affiche
Soins primaires/santé de la population | Adulte

Ian Lewis (CBI Health Group, Regina)

Introduction: Canadians spend a significant amount of time working. The work environment is an important component of mental health. The psychosocial safety climate framework (Dollard & Bakker, 2010), Job Demands Resources Model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007) and the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (CSA Group & BNQ, 2015), and other tools can be applied by Occupational Therapists in primary, secondary, and tertiary level interventions to improve citizens’ health. Objectives: for Occupational Therapists to: better understand pertinent workplace psychosocial factors influencing mental health of workers; organize and execute evidence-based workplace and individual-level interventions for better workplace mental health; and advocate and educate others in workplace mental health to create better workplaces for all. Methods: The poster presentation will link theoretical frameworks from a literature review, Canadian policy recommendations, and anecdotal personal practice experience in this area to demonstrate how workplace psychosocial factors positively and negatively affect mental health and ultimately occupational performance. Results: The practice implication of poster viewers’ improved awareness of validated theoretical models and recommended standards is more effective interventions for organizations and individuals. Conclusion: A psychologically safe work environment sets the stage for our best performance. An understanding of those environmental components and their relationship to individuals provides Occupational Therapists sharper and more specialized tools in their toolkit.

F13 Assistive technology and age-related vision loss: A critical discourse analysis
vendredi (CST| HSC): 09:00-09:25 | Conférence
Participation et inclusion | Personne âgée

Emma Stevenson (Western University), Jordana Bengall Western University, Katharine Fuchigami Western University, Stephanie Kim Western University, Elliot Tung Western University, Rachel Chee Western University, Debbie Rudman Western University, Colleen McGrath Western University

Introduction: Age-related vision loss (ARVL) significantly impacts the occupational engagement of older adults. Assistive technologies (AT) provide one key means to enable occupation with older adults with ARVL; however, previous research suggests that use of such technologies may be limited by environmental factors. Media representations of older adults with ARVL using AT both reflect and shape attitudes and behaviours towards AT, impacting older adults and society more broadly. Objectives: To critically examine how older adults with ARVL and their use of AT is represented in Canadian print media. Methods: Articles that focused on AT use by older adults with ARVL were selected from six Canadian newspapers, using a systematic search strategy in the Factiva database. A critical discourse analysis, informed by critical theory related to age and disability, was conducted to analyze how older adults with ARVL, AT, and occupations were constructed. Results: 7289 newspaper articles were screened, and 1867 articles went through a full-text review. A total of 51 articles were selected for data analysis. Preliminary findings highlight ways media discourse constructs a deficit-oriented, individualized focus locating occupational issues within older adults. Although, AT is promoted as enabling individuals to overcome barriers to desired occupational engagement, other environmental issues, such as stigma and ageism, are often backgrounded. Conclusions: Critically analyzing print media discourse surrounding older adults with ARVL and AT can enhance understanding of how discourses influence the relationship between older adults with ARVL, their use of AT, and the impact this has on their occupational possibilities and engagement.

F15 Occupational therapists as social change agents: Factors influencing their ability
vendredi (CST| HSC): 09:00-09:25 | Conférence
Défense des droits et des intérêts/développement de politique | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Michaël Beaudoin (Research Centre on Aging / Université de Sherbrooke | Sherbrooke), Jessica Picotin Université de Sherbrooke, Sandrine Hélie Université de Sherbrooke, Ann-Élisabeth Martin Université de Sherbrooke, Annie Carrier Research Centre on Aging / Université de Sherbrooke,

Introduction. To improve healthcare services and foster occupational justice, occupational therapists’ change agent role is crucial and involves social actions. Social change agent (SCA) actions rest on characteristics, skills and strategies that differ from clinical actions, potentially explaining occupational therapists’ lack of comfort with this role. However, some occupational therapists act efficiently as SCA and might help us pinpoint what influences the ability to do so. Objectives. To explore personal and environmental factors influencing the ability of occupational therapists to act as SCAs. Methods. We conducted a descriptive interpretive qualitative research with 18 Québec occupational therapists who have successfully carried out SCAs projects. We collected data through three focus groups interviews and performed thematic salience analysis using a lexicon. Results. Participants are mostly female (92,3%), with occupational therapy experience ranging between 11 and 20 years (38,4%) and without specific training in SCA role (61,5%). We identified 8 favourable and 3 unfavourable intrinsic characteristics, 8 required skills as well as 12 effective and 3 ineffective strategies influencing occupational therapists’ ability to act as a SCA. We also uncovered 11 environmental factors facilitating SCAs actions and 11 hindering them. Conclusions. According to occupational therapists efficiently acting as SCAs, personal and environmental factors influence their ability to do so. Addressing the influence of such factors in occupational therapists’ education might ultimately optimize occupational therapists’ ability to act as SCAs upon completion of their entry-level training or later on.

F51 Examining mental health disparities among transgender and gender nonconforming youth
vendredi (CST| HSC): 14:00-14:25 | Conférence
Santé mentale | Enfant/ jeunesse

Rachal Pattison (University of British Columbia | Vancouver, BC), Skye Barbic University of British Columbia, Joseph H. Puyat UBC School of Population and Public Health

Introduction: Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) young people, 15-24 years, are vulnerable to negative health outcomes (Reisner et al., 2015; Rider et al, 2018), and our health systems are recognized as contributing to the stratification of health outcomes by gender (Payne, 2009). Ensuring the effectiveness of clinical interventions and health services for TGNC young people is a priority for Canadian healthcare. Objectives: Using a mixed-methods approach, I will 1) compare rates of mental health distress between TGNC and cisgender youth accessing a network of community health centers, and 2) seek to understand how TGNC youth experience mental health services and the impact of their gender identity, if any, on these experiences. Methods: Conducting a secondary analysis of data (n=748), I will analyze the difference in rates of mental health distress between TGNC and cisgender youth, using a two-sample t-test. Additionally, using purposive and theoretical sampling to ensure representation from various social categories like race/ethnicity and level of education, 10-15 in-depth interviews will be conducted with TGNC youth. Constructivist Grounded Theory will be used to analyze the data. Practice Implications: An improved understanding of how TGNC youth access and experience mental health services has the potential to inform service delivery and promote social inclusion. This can help inform occupation-focused practitioners on how to be more collaborative and effective with this vulnerable population. Conclusions: The project results will immediately inform a provincial youth organization’s guidelines and policy and contribute much-needed evidence toward ensuring patient-centred mental health services for TGNC youth in Canada.

S4 Impact of active rehabilitation on mood in youth with concussion
samedi (CST| HSC): 09:00-09:25 | Conférence
Santé mentale | Enfant/ jeunesse

Anne Hunt (University of Toronto | Toronto), Nick Reed, Shannon Scratch Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Introduction. Approximately thirty percent of youth with concussion experience persistent symptoms beyond one-month post injury that can result in difficulties re-engaging in usual activities. Research suggests that active rehabilitation approaches may be associated with symptom (e.g. headache, fatigue) reduction in these youth. However, little is known about the effects of active rehabilitation programs on mood of children and adolescents with persistent concussion symptoms. Objectives. To explore changes in mood in youth with persistent post-concussion symptoms following participation in a six-week active rehabilitation program. Methods. Using a pre-post study design, participants recovering from concussion (N=40; 65% females, M = 14.62 years) completed a six week individualized active rehabilitation program consisting of low intensity aerobic exercise, sport specific drills, relaxation exercises and comprehensive education and support. Participants and their parents completed mood related measures pre and post intervention to assess participant’s mood. Outcome measures included the Beck Youth Inventories (adolescents) and the Child Behavior Checklist (parents). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regressions. Results. Significant improvements in mood were found specific to anger and anxiety post intervention, with anger reduction being more pronounced in girls. Conclusions. Active rehabilitation interventions may have positive effects on mood in youth recovering from concussion. Occupational therapists may wish to consider addressing anxiety and anger management strategies as part of holistic concussion management in youth.

S7 The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in India: A critical exploration
samedi (CST| HSC): 09:00-09:25 | Conférence
Problèmes généraux/professionnels | Communauté/population

Zoé Campbell (Handi-Care Intl | Kenora, Ontario), Janna MacLachlan University of Toronto, Tanya Elizabeth Benjamin-Thomas University of Western Ontario, Aravind Bharathwaj Amar Seva Sangam, Dinesh Krishna Handi-Care Intl, Sathiya Mariappan Amar Seva Sangam, Sankar Sahayaraj Muthukaruppan Amar Seva Sangam, Ramasubramanian Ponnusamy Amar Seva Sangam, Bala Murugan Poomariappan Amar Seva Sangam

Rationale: In many parts of the world there is interest in supporting the occupational engagement and rights of individuals and collectives. However, there is a paucity of culturally and contextually relevant assessments for use in global settings, as most existing tools have been developed in the Western world with middle-class clients in mind. Tensions arise when occupational therapists seek to address local needs in non-Western settings using Western tools. This issue arose in an Indian non-governmental organization seeking to enhance family-centred practice in their early intervention program for children by using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Objectives: This paper will critically examine how to support organizational needs in the absence of locally relevant tools. Approach: This paper presents a case study exploring the opportunities and challenges presented by use of the COPM within this organization. A critical lens addressing best practices for ethical global engagement was employed to support analysis. Practice Implications: There were numerous challenges in using the COPM within this context, associated with translation, socio-economic and educational client backgrounds, assumptions of Western cultural norms, required training and human resource allocation. However, it supported the organization’s newfound focus on initiating family-centred practice by increasing understanding amongst rehabilitation service providers and caregivers, and supporting the organization’s advocacy for program expansion and funding access. Conclusions: Critical reflexivity supports identification of issues inherent in transplanting Western assessments to non-Western settings. Sometimes the use of imperfect tools is necessary to support current needs while looking toward better alternatives in future.

T35 Impact of parent education workshops on parental sense of competence
samedi (CST| HSC): 09:00-09:25 | Présentation par affiche
Éducation | Adulte

Amanda Cyr (University of Toronto | Toronto), Yasaman Salehi University of Toronto, Moira Pena Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Yani Hamdani University of Toronto

Introduction. Parents of children with sensory processing differences (SPDs) experience decreased levels of parental sense of competence (PSOC). Occupational therapy (OT)-led parent education workshops (PEWs) have been found to increase PSOC in parents of children with a formal Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. However, research is limited on how these services affect PSOC in parents of children with SPDs who are still on the waitlist to receive a neurodevelopmental assessment. Objectives. The objectives of this pilot randomized waitlist control trial are to evaluate the impact of an OT-led PEW on the PSOC in parents of children experiencing SPDs who are on the neurodevelopmental assessment waitlist and to obtain a subjective evaluation of the content of this PEW from the parents’ perspectives. Methods. Parents will be recruited from a neurodevelopmental assessment waitlist and randomly selected to attend one of two identical workshops, dating two weeks apart. The PSOC scale, along with demographic and follow-up questionnaires will be administered to parents pre- and post-workshop attendance. Descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test, a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and a content analysis will be used to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data. Practice Implications. Findings from this study may provide evidence to support the need for PEWs in improving PSOC in parents of children on the neurodevelopmental assessment waitlist. Conclusion. Information garnered from this study may inform health care funding resources about the demand for OTs to address the current gap in care for parents of children on the neurodevelopmental assessment waitlist.

S16 Occupational therapists’ reasoning when implementing interventions targeting generalization of skills
samedi (CST| HSC): 09:30-09:55 | Conférence
Réadaptation | Adulte

Valérie Poulin (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières | Trois-Rivières), Marc-André Pellerin Université Laval, Amélie Venne Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Marie-Ève Lamontagne Université Laval, Anabelle Viau-Guay Université Laval,

Generalization and transfer of learning is an important goal of cognitive rehabilitation[1-3], but it is challenging to achieve and it has been identified as an area for practice improvement[4]. Several intervention principles may promote generalization and transfer: selecting meaningful goals, using cognitive strategies, using guided discovery, adapting environment and grading/varying tasks, involving family/staff, and training generalization during therapies[1-3]. However, little is known about the actual implementation of these practices, as well as the occupational therapists (OTs)’ reasoning while implementing them with clients with cognitive difficulties post-acquired brain injury. Objective: To explore OTs’ clinical reasoning while implementing practices to promote generalization and transfer of skills. Methods: Clinical reasoning was explored with four OTs who participated to a knowledge translation intervention consisting of provision of learning tools and an interactive workshop. Clinical reasoning was documented through semi-structured interviews using chart simulated recall methodology (3 months post-intervention) and a focus group (6 months). Transcribed verbatim were analyzed using the Framework method[5-6]. Results: Clinicians reported varying levels of perceived use of the interventions components. The selection and adaptation of these client-centered interventions were described as a complex and interactive process that evolved as clinicians were experimenting them. Reasoning was influenced by various factors related to clients (occupational problems/goals, motivation, learning); clinicians (self-efficacy, prior experiences/practices/knowledge); family environment (collaboration) and practice context (inter-professional collaboration, organizational constraints). Conclusions: Multiple factors related to clinicians, clients, and context influence reasoning when using practices to promote generalization and need to be considered to foster best practice implementation.

T7 Joint attention in a child With Autism Spectrum Disorder
samedi (CST| HSC): 09:30-09:55 | Présentation par affiche
Problèmes généraux/professionnels | Enfant/ jeunesse

David Ambrose (Dalhousie University | Saskatoon), Diane MacKenzie Dalhousie University Diane.MacKenzie@Dal.Ca, Parisa Ghanouni Dalhousie University

Background: Deficits in joint attention (JA) are commonly seen in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Research examining JA in ASD commonly uses two broad strategies to cue for JA and measure its demonstration, prioritizing either ecological validity or gaze measurement accuracy while sacrificing the other. Objective: This case study trials a method of measuring JA in a child with ASD that maintains both accurate gaze measurement and ecological validity. Methods: This case study used a novel approach to measure JA in a child with ASD. Mobile eye-trackers were worn by the child and therapists during a developmentally-appropriate tabletop activity. Interactive behaviours, eye movement data and regions of shared interest were analyzed. Results: The methods detected differences in gaze use and interactive behaviors between two occupational therapists working with the same child, and within the same child when working with each of the therapists. Conclusions: The presented methodology maintains both ecological validity and measurement accuracy in a study of JA in a child with ASD. This methodology can be adapted to larger scale studies.

S20 Occupational justice in direct-funded attendant services: strengths and challenges
samedi (CST| HSC): 09:30-09:55 | Conférence
Défense des droits et des intérêts/développement de politique | Communauté/population

Erika Katzman (King's University College | London, ON), C. Elizabeth Mohler Western University, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella Western University, Evelyne Durocher McMaster University

Introduction: Efforts to promote occupational justice have the potential to effect social change (Wilcock & Townsend, 2000; Hocking, 2017). Analysis of situations that illustrate structural, political, economic, social, and cultural factors that promote or impede participation in meaningful occupations is instrumental in furthering theoretical development and understandings of occupational justice (Durocher, Gibson & Rappolt, 2013). Objectives: In this paper we critically examine occupations related to the organization and management of direct-funded attendant services for adults with physical disabilities through an occupational justice lens. Methods: We report on a reflexive ethnographic study (Ellis & Bochner, 2003; Lather, 2001a; 2001b) informed by critical feminist (Kittay, 1999) and critical disability (Morris, 1992) theory. In-depth interviews were conducted with 19 participants involved with one direct-funding program as ‘self-managers’ (11), attendants (3), program administrators (3), and family members (2), and relevant policy documents were analyzed. Results: The analysis suggests that direct funding promotes occupational engagement by providing needed supports to participate in meaningful occupations. At the same time, occupational engagement was constrained at individual and group levels by criterion that conditioned access to limited resources. Conclusions: This research illuminates the complexity of occupational justice as a dynamic concept that may be simultaneously promoted and challenged within a given context. The study highlights an important role for occupational therapists to consider risks and benefits associated with direct funding options, as well as opportunities for occupational therapists to advocate for the development and implementation of programs that cohere with principles of occupational justice.

F80 Evaluating infant sleep challenges from a developmental and physiological perspective
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:00-10:25 | Présentation par affiche
Éducation | Enfant/ jeunesse

Heather Boyd (Heather Boyd Occupational Therapy | Fonthill)

Introduction: Infant sleep is a primary concern for new parents. Exhausted parents often seek out “sleep trainers” who focus on changing infant behaviour to yield more sleep for families. However, attachment theory, neurodevelopment, sensory regulation, and respiratory/medical issues are often under-acknowledged and under-addressed, resulting in missed opportunities to support sleep development. OTs who work with babies and young children are in a unique position to educate parents about attachment and sleep development and to identify physical and physiological barriers to sleep. Objectives: To identify common emotional, neurodevelopmental and physiological processes that impact infant sleep. To review the evidence for assessment and treatments to address barriers to sleep development. Approach: Literature and clinical evidence of socio-emotional development, neurodevelopment and physiological factors impacting sleep are reviewed. Strategies for addressing these factors are explored. A framework is proposed to evaluate sleep development and to identify these factors, drawing on current infant and child sleep assessment tools. Practice Implications: OTs working with families of infants and young children have the opportunity to support sleep development and to identify likely barriers to sleep that warrant further intervention. Conclusions: Based on OT scope of practice and models of practice, OTs have a valuable role in supporting infant sleep development through education, evidence and addressing barriers to sleep development.

S30 Improving mental health care for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:00-10:25 | Conférence
Santé mentale | Adulte

Nicole Bobbette (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) | Toronto), Jenny Hardy Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Suryani Hamdani Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Eva Serhal Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Sanjeev Sockalingam Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Yona Lunsky Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Introduction: Almost 50% of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) in Ontario live with a mental illness, and there is a pressing need for appropriate and accessible mental health care for this group.(1) Occupational therapists have an important role in supporting the mental health of adults with IDD; however, they are among many professionals that receive limited training in this area and often do not have access to specialist services.(2) Objectives: This presentation will 1) describe an innovative initiative in Ontario to improve mental health care for adults with IDD; and 2) describe the unique contribution of occupational therapists in the development and delivery of this program. Approach: The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Ontario Mental Health - Adults with IDD program is a tele-mentoring initiative that virtually connects an interprofessional team of specialists at a centre for addiction and mental health and X Place with a diverse community of professionals to share knowledge, learn best practices and discuss complex client cases. The model has been successfully developed for other health conditions and is currently being delivered world-wide.(3) Practice Implications: The program is a unique opportunity for occupational therapists to increase their competency in providing high-quality mental health care for adults with IDD. It can also increase supports for occupational therapists practicing in rural or remote areas with limited access to specialist services. Conclusions: The program addresses a critical need for mental health training and support to improve health care for adults with IDD.

S27 Do measures for children and youth with autism assess occupation?
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:00-10:25 | Conférence
Problèmes généraux/professionnels | Enfant/ jeunesse

Michèle L. Hébert (University of Calgary | Calgary), Jeanette McNalty South East Cornerstone Public School Division, Deborah Steadman Partners in Rehab

Introduction: Occupations grow in complexity with age, and restricted engagement in occupation is a quality of life-related risk factor in children and youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While occupational performance measures are available, abundant information in the literature, paired with clinicians’ limited time in keeping up to date with research, highlight the need to generate a summary guide for assessing occupations in this population. Moreover, several investigations have aimed to improve the usability of ASD instruments, yet none explicitly focus on presenting occupation-based measures. Objectives: The purpose of this cross-sectional design is to describe occupational performance assessments for children and youth with ASD, and categorize them according to self-care, productivity, leisure, safety and non-occupation domains. Methods: Using an in-depth literature review stemming from a pre-defined procedure, which started with 831 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 27 relevant publications were selected and analysed. The principal investigator categorized each measure found in these texts, and all three authors validated their categorization. Results: To date, results suggest that there are significantly more component-based assessments than occupation-based assessments, which may limit measuring occupation specifically, leaving gaps in evidence-based practice. Conclusion: Occupational performance assessment methods should be purposefully selected, while considering all childhood occupations, and the unique and complementary clinical contribution of occupational therapy. Our hope is that this paper facilitates therapists’ clinical decision making when choosing assessments, in order to foster meaningful practice when working with children and youth who have ASD.

S28 Questioning white supremacy in occupational therapy practice and education
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:00-11:25 | Hands-on presentation
Éducation | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Marie-Lyne Grenier (McGill University, Montreal) Hiba Zafran McGill University

The presenters will use critical race theory as an analytic tool to examine how anti-Blackness, anti-Indigenous colonial relations, and orientalism have influenced and continue to influence occupational therapy practice and education in Canada. The presenters will demonstrate how cultural competency paradigms are logical products of (not responses to) institutionalized racism that function as tools in the reproduction of white supremacy and racism in the occupational therapy profession. The presenters will challenge the ongoing use of cultural competency paradigms and propose a radical shift toward critical and structural frameworks. Participants will have the opportunity to practice unpacking the potentially oppressive ideologies imbedded within a chosen OT assessment, determine populations for whom this assessments may not be appropriate, and brainstorm alternatives for culturally safer occupational therapy assessment practices.

S41 Relaxed, recharged and ready: A co-designed tool for arousal regulation
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:30-10:55 | Conférence
Participation et inclusion | Enfant/ jeunesse

Christie Welch (University of Toronto | Toronto), Melanie Penner Bloorview Research Institute,

Introduction: Autistic self-advocates are requesting a shift in the foci of research and support toward issues that they identify as high-priority daily challenges (Pellicano, Dinsmore & Charman, 2014). One such issue is arousal regulation, which despite frequent discussion in the popular and social media that is generated by and for autistic people (Welch, 2019), is essentially absent from the academic literature and from clinical focus. Objectives: This study aims to promote fuller understanding of arousal regulation issues as described by autistic people and to develop a self –management tool for autistic people who wish to better understand and manage arousal regulation in their daily lives. Methods: Applying a co-design approach, we will capitalize on the knowledge and creativity of stakeholders who identify as autistic adults, autistic children, parents and clinicians. We will employ the common elements of design practices as conceptualized by Zamenopoulos and Alexiou (2018): framing problems, provoking inspiration, finding patterns, generating ideas and making ideas tangible by creating prototypes. Analytic methods will follow principles of design analysis which is inherently collaborative and iterative. Practice implications: By focusing on a concern identified and defined by autistic people, and by eliciting and synthesizing multiple types of knowledge, this work will lead to an intervention that is helpful, palatable and feasible to autistic people and their allies. Conclusions: This study adds to a small but growing body of work that demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of autistic insider perspective informing academic and clinical thinking.

S43 Development of an outcome measure of function for young people
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:30-10:55 | Conférence
Santé mentale | Adulte

Emily Brooks (Unversity of British Columbia | Vancouver), Natalia Lassak University of British Columbia, Mohammad Khaleghi-Moghaddam Foundry Central, Adelena Leon University of British Columbia, Skye Barbic University of British Columbia,

Introduction: In Canada, the prevalence of mental health challenges is highest in young people aged 15-24. Mental health challenges frequently cause marked functional impairment. Despite this, we are unaware of any existing conceptualization and/or measures of function that have been developed from the perspective of young people. Objective: To develop a conceptual and measurement model, including a preliminary set of items, for an outcome measure of function for young adults. Methods: After conducting three focus groups to conceptualize function (phase 1), we co-developed a set of items with youth (n=4) to capture the full range of function (phase 2). In phase 3, young people (n=12), accessing mental health services, completed workbooks and participated in focus groups to evaluate whether items were clear and captured function. We transcribed and compiled data to eliminate, refine and generate new items. We held a subsequent cognitive debriefing session (phase 4) with two youth to validate the changes made to the item pool. Results: After developing and refining a conceptual model (phase 1), we developed an initial candidate pool of 84 items (phase 2). After phases 3 and 4, we eliminated 38 items, revised 16 items, and generated 4 new items (50 items ready for future psychometric testing). Conclusion: Occupational therapy is a client-centred profession at the forefront of including stakeholders in innovation. This youth-centred conceptualization of function and item bank has the potential to advance science in the field and operationalize the priorities of young people in practice and policy.

S45 Promoting physical activity in the community to manage cognitive impairment
samedi (CST| HSC): 10:30-10:55 | Conférence
Réadaptation | Personne âgée

Brydne Edwards (VHA Home Healthcare | Toronto), Arlinda Ruco, Sandra McKay

Rationale: Physical activity (PA) is a safe and evidence-based disease-management strategy for older adults with cognitive impairments living at home. However, there is limited evidence to suggest that physical activity recommendations are provided to older adults with cognitive impairment when they receive home care. Objectives: This paper presentation will focus on the implementation and design of a quality improvement project, aimed to promote physical activity as a disease management strategy for older adults with cognitive impairment living in the community. Method: A needs assessment was completed to inform the development an education plan to increase occupational therapists and physiotherapists’ expertise in physical activity recommendations for adults with cognitive impairment living at home. The education plan included online videos, client handouts and in-person, inter-professional education sessions. Clinicians received a pre-post survey to evaluate the effectiveness of these education components. Results: Clinicians reported an increase in knowledge and comfort regarding physical activity recommendations, with occupational therapists and physiotherapists showing an increase in clinical knowledge. Conclusions: Involving stakeholders in the education design process helps to ensure that education is relevant and accessible to clinicians working in home care. Several sustainability strategies have been adopted. These include uptake into an Activation Program at VHA Home Healthcare, embedding physical activity into VHA’s electronic clinician assessment, and posting an online video for caregivers. These strategies continue to support occupational therapists and physiotherapists in making client-centred and evidence-based recommendations that help older adults manage cognitive impairment at home.

S53 Financial incentives for employers to hire people with disabilities
samedi (CST| HSC): 11:00-11:25 | Conférence
Défense des droits et des intérêts/développement de politique | Adulte

Rebecca Gewurtz (McMaster University | Hamilton), Emile Tompa The Institute for Work and Health, Pamela Lahey McMaster University, Margaret Oldfield McMaster University

Introduction: Financial incentives for employers are widely used to address low employment among people with disabilities. However, there has been little research examining how and when they work to improve employment opportunities, and little documentation on their current use and availability in Canada. Understanding the use of financial incentives for employers is critical for occupational therapists who support people with disabilities as they pursue employment goals. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to map the availability and use of financial incentives for employers in Canada and document the experiences of employers, people with disabilities, and service providers. Methods: Within a partnership made up of researchers, practitioners, people with disabilities, and employers, we completed an environmental scan of financial incentives for employers in Canada through key informant interviews. Interviews focused on how financial incentives are used to identify opportunities, successes, risks and challenges that can impact employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Results: The findings highlight the diverse ways in which financial incentives are being used and documents conflicting perspectives on their merit. The findings highlight the critical role of job matching, job carving, job coaching, employer education, and wrap-around supports as mechanisms for improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Ongoing challenges include transportation, underemployment and the restrictions caused by disability benefits. Conclusion: This study contributes to our understanding of how and when financial incentives improve employment opportunities. Occupational therapists should use these findings to ensure that their clients are accessing evidence-based employment supports for people with disabilities.

S55 Occupational therapy vision screening for concussion: A pilot study
samedi (CST| HSC): 11:00-11:25 | Conférence
Réadaptation | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Stephanie Schurr (St. Joseph's Care Group | Thunder Bay)

Introduction: Disruptions in the visual system associated with mild traumatic brain injury or concussion have the potential to interfere with all aspects of human occupation, but the prevalence of vision signs and symptoms in this population compared to individuals without concussion has not been well studied. Objectives: Compare the prevalence of vision symptoms between individuals with and without concussion; explore relationship between symptoms and self-ratings of occupational performance. Methods: A vision screening battery and occupational performance assessment were administered on 20 patients with and 19 patients without concussion at a sports medicine clinic. A sub-sample of 8 participants with concussion also underwent a diagnostic optometric assessment to validate these results. Independent sample t-tests and chi square analyses were conducted to compare mean scores as well as percentages of patients exceeding established cut-offs on the screening measures. Results: Significant differences were found between individuals with and without concussion on assessments of convergence, positive fusional vergence, and self-reported number and severity of vision symptoms. Individuals scoring above cutoffs on two or more measures also reported poorer performance and satisfaction with valued occupations. Conclusion: Individuals with concussion have a higher rate of certain visual symptoms than individuals without concussion and are more likely to exhibit two or more vision signs or symptoms. Having two or more vision signs and symptoms is also associated with reduced occupational performance and satisfaction. Occupational therapists therefore have a role in helping to identify individuals whose performance could be improved with access to specialized optometric assessment and care.

S63 The National Inquiry into MMIWG Calls for Justice: Imperatives for occupational therapy
samedi (CST| HSC): 11:30-11:55 | Conférence
Défense des droits et des intérêts/développement de politique | Communauté/population

Darlene Okemaysim-Sicotte (Saskatoon), Janna MacLachlan University of Toronto, Angie Phenix

Rationale: The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (NIMMIWG) produced their final report this year, including Calls for Justice. These calls are legal imperatives that focus on actions to support Indigenous rights and self-determination. As these include calls for health and wellness service providers, it behooves occupational therapists to respond. Opportunities are needed for occupational therapists to learn about the report and discuss individual and profession-level responses. Objectives: Facilitate learning about and engagement with the NIMMIWG Calls for Justice. Explore needs and avenues for action in education, policy and practice, including participation in the National Action Plan recommended by NIMMIWG. Approach: Following a presentation about NIMMIWG by a non-legal advocate with Party With Standing in NI MMIWG2S LGBTQIIA, presenters will discuss actions that can be taken by individuals and the profession more broadly, inviting delegates to reflect on their own practice. Practice implications: Responses to the Calls for Justice may include practices that support cultural safety, trauma-informed practice and Indigenous rights; considerations for professional education and regulatory bodies; and advocacy work and relationship development with grassroots and government organizations, such as Family Information Liaison Units. Conclusions: Through improved understanding of the Calls for Justice and how these apply to occupational therapy, occupational therapists can contribute to supporting Indigenous access to rights and self-determination.

T63 Les chutes à domicile: l'incontinence urinaire a-t-elle un impact?
samedi (CST| HSC): 11:30-11:55 | Présentation par affiche
Environnement | Personne âgée

Laurence Cohonner (Université de Montréal | Montréal), Nolwenn Lapierre Université de Montréal, Tania Sabatino Centre de recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM)/Université de Montréal, Jean Meunier Département d’informatique et de recherche opérationnelle (DIRO), Jacqueline Rousseau Centre de recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM)/Université de Montréal

Introduction. Dans une optique de prévention et de maintien à domicile, il est essentiel de repérer les indicateurs de risques de chutes chez les femmes âgées incontinentes, puisque ce risque est plus élevé chez cette population principalement lors des déplacements nocturnes (aller à la toilette) (Gale, Westbury, Cooper, & Dennison, 2018). En effet, le risque de chute chez les femmes incontinentes est de 29% comparativement à 20% chez les femmes continentes (Chiarelli, Mackenzie, & Osmotherly, 2009). Objectifs. Le but de cette étude est d’identifier et de comparer les indicateurs de risques de chutes chez les femmes aînées incontinentes et continentes dans le contexte du domicile. Méthodes. Lors d’une étude de cas multiples (Yin, 2016), les déplacements de six femmes (? 65 ans; 3 continentes, 3 incontinentes) pendant sept nuits consécutives ont été filmés grâce à une vidéosurveillance programmable. Lors du visionnement des bandes vidéo, une grille d’analyse basée sur le cadre conceptuel explicatif de la relation personne-environnement, le Modèle de compétence (Rousseau, 2017), a été complétée par deux évaluateurs, qualitativement, afin d’identifier et de comparer les indicateurs. Résultats. Les femmes incontinentes présentent davantage d’indicateurs de risques de chutes exacerbant ce risque à domicile. Bien que ces indicateurs soient principalement liés aux caractéristiques de la personne, l’environnement et l’interaction personne-environnement sont impliqués, d’où la nécessité de l’intervention ergothérapique. Conclusion: Pour prévenir le risque de chute à domicile, il est primordial que les professionnels de la santé, notamment les ergothérapeutes, soient en mesure de reconnaître ces indicateurs.

T77 Reducing post-secondary student stress in an occupational calm room
samedi (CST| HSC): 11:30-11:55 | Présentation par affiche
Santé mentale | Adulte

Hope Moore (University of Alberta), Brendan Concannon, Lara Oberg, Miranda Lisowski, Katie Scoffield, Ciara McDaniel, Rachel Taylor, Shaniff Esmail

Introduction: Health Science post-secondary students experience intense levels of program-related stress. Academic stress may result in unhealthy outcomes such as behavioural health issues and negatively impacts students’ GPA, productivity, and time spent in the labour force (Eisenberg et al., 2009). To reduce program related stress, we designed the Calm Room by combining aesthetic, activity, and sensory elements. We accomplished this by incorporating nature themes such as earthy tones and soft incandescent lights. We stocked hands-on activities to promote activity. And we arranged comfortable furniture to facilitate both individual and social environments. Objectives: 1.) Design and develop a student-led Calm Room to promote mental health through activity. 2.) Promote engaging activities that allow students to manage stress. 3.) Implement psychometric stress surveys to determine Calm Room efficacy and collect student characteristics to aid in the interpretation of results. Methods: We administered a descriptive cross-sectional survey before and after students spent time in the Calm Room to determine the difference in pre/post stress levels. The Perceived Stress Scale allowed us to obtain a comprehensive view of participants’ long term anxiety within the last month. Results: Through the use of activity, our preliminary results indicate a reduction of participant stress and anxiety by approximately 20%. Conclusion: We expect this reduction in stress to be applicable to university disciplines beyond that of Health Sciences in addition to providing lasting effects on student mental wellness.

Indigenous health in the time of COVID: Implications for occupational therapy
samedi (CST| HSC):  | Séance parrainée

Angie Phenix, Kaarina Valavaara, Janna MacLachlan and Stephanie Nixon

Amid the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, occupational therapists have the resources and opportunity to better position themselves as allies to Indigenous Peoples. Colonial policies and systemic racism have produced many inequities, including but not limited to communities with lower access to resources (e.g., clean water and housing) and populations with poorer health outcomes (e.g., higher rates of chronic disease and disability). These factors make Indigenous communities especially vulnerable to the spread and mortality of COVID-19.
Join us for a nationwide discussion about health equity, Indigenous health and the role of occupational therapy through this pandemic. This will be a forum to share your thoughts about how occupational therapists can act in solidarity with Indigenous communities, both in terms of responding to the ongoing crisis, as well as what must be done going forward in support of Indigenous self-determination and rights.

F14 Innovating driver training for the ‘well-elderly’:’ Does the learning stick?
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC): N/A | Conférence
Participation et inclusion | Personne âgée

Ruheena Sangrar (McMaster University | Hamilton), Lauren Griffith McMaster University, Lori Letts McMaster University, Brenda Vrkljan McMaster University

Introduction: Driving in older adulthood is an important occupation for maintaining independence and community engagement. The well-elderly are the fastest growing segment of the driving population in Canada [1]. Reducing crash-related fatality and injury and extending the safe driving years of this population through driver training has been emphasized by the Canadian Medical Association [2]. While our randomized controlled trial, where older drivers received personalized feedback on their behind-the-wheel behaviour, demonstrated significant on-road improvements, the long-term potential of such training has not been examined. Objectives: To analyze the long-term effectiveness of an innovative training approach on the behind-the-wheel performance of older drivers. Methods: Community-dwelling, healthy older adults (n=80; aged 65-79) randomly assigned to either video-based feedback or a ‘placebo’ (i.e., healthy-aging video) were re-assessed at 8-months follow-up. On-road evaluation scores and self-perceived behind-the-wheel abilities (e.g., driving confidence, situational avoidance) were compared within and between groups. Practical Implications: This analysis builds on our previous study that demonstrated behind-the-wheel performance of older drivers significantly improved 4-weeks after our training program. By examining the long-term effectiveness of this novel approach to feedback, researchers and clinicians will have a better understanding of who benefits most from such training. Conclusions: Study findings inform the development of an innovative older driver refresher program aimed at the well-elderly. Such a program can also serve as a critical opportunity to open a conversation about driving retirement where the ultimate goal is to support out-of-home occupational engagement and safe mobility of our aging population for as long as possible.

F16 Exploring occupation as a determinant of human health and wellbeing
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC): N/A | Conférence
Environnement | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Karen Whalley Hammell (University of British Columbia | Vancouver)

Introduction: The Canadian Medical Association (2013) attributes 50% of health outcomes in Canada to the social determinants of health: the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age; and a wealth of international research evidence demonstrates, unequivocally, that occupation is a determinant of human health and wellbeing (Hammell, 2020). However, the occupational therapy profession has not consistently advanced occupation as a determinant of health nor publicly focused attention on the social determinants of occupation. Objectives: To describe the social determinants of both health and occupation; to foreground research concluding that occupation is, itself, a determinant of health and wellbeing; and to explore the implications of this evidence for occupational therapy theory, research and practices. Approach: This presentation draws from cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary research knowledge concerning the impact of specific social determinants on occupation and health. Practice Implications: Inequitable social circumstances shape the availability of occupational opportunities, determining what people are able to do, can choose to do, or can envision doing. Recognition of the impact of social determinants on human health and occupation challenges occupational therapy’s traditional preoccupation with interventions targeting individual abilities. Conclusions: Although occupational therapy’s theoretical models acknowledge the influence of social and institutional environments on occupational engagement surprisingly little professional attention has focused on addressing the social determinants of occupation. Occupational therapy requires research designed to illuminate these factors, and to inform relevant professional practices capable of advancing health and wellbeing through action on the inequitable social determinants of occupational opportunities, choices and participation.

F33 Comprehensive, useful and sustainable occupational therapy education program evaluation
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC): N/A | Conférence
Éducation | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Gayle Restall (University of Manitoba | Winnipeg), Margaret Anne Campbell-Rempel University of Manitoba, Edward Giesbrecht University of Manitoba, Leanne Leclair University of Manitoba

Introduction: Evaluation of entry-level occupational therapy programs is important for quality improvement and accreditation, and to facilitate responsiveness to the changing environments in which occupational therapy is situated. Objective: To innovate and implement a comprehensive, useful and sustainable approach to evaluation of an entry-level occupational therapy program. Approach: We developed a program logic model that articulated program components, activities and desired outcomes. Next, evaluation questions were linked to each outcome. Program subcommittees identified indicators of success for each question, then collected and reported on program data related to each indicator. Finally, action plans and recommendations were developed for evaluation questions and the program. Results: The approach resulted in a comprehensive evaluation plan by examining multiple program components and processes. The usefulness of the plan was evident through: a) creation of explicit links between evaluation indicators and program objectives, b) identification of capacities and gaps related to existing data, c) examination of data from multiple indicators and perspectives to determine the need for change, and d) development of strategic and actionable recommendations for program improvement. Sustainability of the plan was facilitated through engagement of faculty in identifying and monitoring indicators and the use of existing data sources. A notable challenge was defining cutoff points for some indicators of success, which should become easier as the plan is implemented over several years. Conclusions: Yearly monitoring of indicators will highlight the outcomes of program adjustments. Ongoing critical evaluation of occupational therapy programs is an important means to improve program design, implementation and effectiveness.

F50 Using disability simulation in occupational therapy education: A scoping review
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC): N/A | Conférence
Éducation | Pas de clientèle spécifique

Ed Giesbrecht (University of Manitoba | Winnipeg), Danielle Diona, Cejay Hilhorst, Joo Hee Park, Lisa Mendez University of Manitoba,

Introduction: Disability simulations are commonly used as a pedagogical strategy to prepare occupational therapy students for practice; however, the effectiveness and methods of implementation have come under scrutiny. A better understanding of related evidence could inform professional education delivery. Objectives: This presentation will convey findings from a scoping review of disability simulation use among professional education programs in allied health and concomitant recommendations for occupational therapy education. Methods: Arksey and O’Malley’s (2005) framework was used to search for peer-reviewed literature employing disability simulation in allied health education. After initial screening, relevant studies were vetted and confirmed independently by multiple reviewers. Data was charted into a structured matrix and themed for reporting. A consultation process provided recommendations to, and feedback from, an accredited entry-to-practice program representative. Results: Ten studies were identified that included occupational therapy students. Most studies addressed physical impairment, particularly related to wheelchair use, with one study addressing each of auditory hallucinations and poverty. A majority intended to modify students’ attitudes towards persons with disabilities or increase awareness. Unintended negative outcomes were not uncommon, including increased feelings of pity as well as embarrassment or anxiety while participating in the learning activity. Structural pedagogical elements associated with best practice were infrequently reported, the most common being debrief sessions and voluntary participation. Conclusions: The use of disability simulation requires careful deliberation given the potential for unintended consequences. Intentionally employing structural elements such as debriefs, input from persons with disabilities, and a social model of disability focus are critical to success.

S19 Use of supports by persons with age-related vision loss
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Participation et inclusion | Personne âgée

Tiffany Ching Huang (CBI Health Group | Belleville), Shay-Lynn Smith Interior Health/Queen's University, Nicole Ahrens Kaymar Rehabilitation, Rachel Dinoff Providence Care Hospital/Queen's University, Julia Foster KHSC Vision Rehabilitation Clinic, Colleen McGrath Western University, Dorothy Kessler Queen's University

Rationale: An estimated one in nine Canadians aged 65 to 84 years, and one in four older than 84 years, will experience low vision that impacts their ability to engage in occupations (Lui et al., 2013; Rudman et al., 2010). While informal and formal supports have been identified as resources for older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL), there is limited research on clients’ experiences in using these supports. Objectives: To identify the ways informal and formal supports are being used by older adults with ARVL to engage in occupations, and the barriers and facilitators that exist in using supports and accessing services. Methods: A descriptive qualitative approach was used to evaluate the data from in-person interviews with eight individuals aged 65-years or older, experiencing ARVL, and living in the community in one region of Ontario. Results: Seven women and one man participated in interviews. Four broad categories were identified during analysis: 1) formal and informal supports used, 2) barriers and facilitators to accessing supports, 3) ideal supports, and 4) discontinued activities. Conclusion: A variety of ARVL services and supports exist in the community, but access to supports and services is nuanced and varies from individual to individual. Information from this study can be used to inform current service delivery as well as the development of resources for older adults with ARVL. To increase understanding of the gaps in ARVL service delivery, future studies that incorporate a larger sample size and across a larger geographical area are required.

S3 Community-based stroke rehabilitation: What characteristics do exemplary programs share?
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Réadaptation | Adulte

Mary Egan (University of Ottawa | Ottawa), Debbie Rudman Western University, Monique Lanoix St Paul University, Matthew Meyer, Beth Linkewich, Phyllis Montgomery, Susan Fearn, Beth Donnelly, Shauna Daly, Sylvia Quant

Introduction: Exemplary post discharge stroke rehabilitation is generally characterized as client-centred, with the ultimate goal of helping people return to valued activities and social roles. However, the implicit biomedical focus of best practice guidelines tends to result in recommendations for standardized, impairment-focused procedures. Objectives: In-depth examination of exemplary programs to determine characteristics of exemplary post discharge community-based rehabilitation. Methods: We carried out a multiple case study. Regional stroke networks in four areas of a province identified exemplary post discharge programs. We examined program documents, interviewed patients, providers and administrators and reviewed health records. Results: The four programs included a home-based program, a clinic-based program, a clinic-based program with a stroke navigator and a hybrid home and clinic program. While the programs varied considerably in resources and methods, each provided or helped patients access, comprehensive services. The care provided by each program was personalized and unhurried, with consistent attention to emotional needs by all providers. Providers and administrators found ways to fit or adapt best practice recommendations within their programs, but were clearly focused on ensuring additional considerations to ensure exemplary care. In only one case were these exemplary practice considerations supported by program documentation structures, rendering the sustainability of these exemplary characteristics somewhat vulnerable. Conclusions: Examination of four diverse exemplary post discharge community-based stroke rehabilitation services led to the identification of characteristics that are not yet included in best practice documents.

S31 Designing blended face-to-face/ computerized education programs for chronic disease self-management
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Soins primaires/santé de la population | Adulte

Ruheena Sangrar (McMaster University | Hamilton), Susan Maureen Docherty-Skippen Brock University, Karen Beattie McMaster University

Introduction: Chronic health conditions are among the leading cause of disability and healthcare utilization. Engaging individuals with chronic conditions in symptom self-management improves their self-efficacy and can be achieved using patient education strategies that that blend face-to-face and computerized teaching approaches. However, a challenge exists in identifying best-practices for program design and delivery, given the breadth of interventions described in the literature. Objective: To explore: 1) the role played by face-to-face and computerized education programs within blended chronic disease symptom self-management education, and 2) factors that influence the effectiveness of such education programs. Methods: A critical interpretive synthesis was conducted using an iterative and reflective approach to reviewing literature describing blended education programs in chronic disease self-management. All aspects of the review process were completed in duplicate by independent investigators. Findings were synthesized using a conceptual mapping process. Results: Twelve articles were identified that focused on patients with diabetes, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Studies describe factors influencing the design and delivery of blended programs, focusing primarily on patient characteristics (such as disease prognosis, time since diagnosis, social determinants of health, health literacy, and proficiency with computerized technologies). Conclusion: Clinicians who are considering blending face-to-face and computerized approaches for self-management education should consider aligning three factors: 1) client characteristics (e.g., health condition, sociodemographic characteristics, learning style), 2) perspectives in teaching and learning, and 3) the features of technology options.

S33 DCD QUality improvement initiative - Occupational Therapy Assessment Screening (QUOTAS)
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Santé physique | Enfant/ jeunesse

Marli Siebrits (University of British Columbia | Vancouver), Rosemary MacCabe University of British Columbia, Sara Leckie University of British Columbia, Jill Zwicker University of British Columbia

Introduction: Despite its high prevalence of 5-6%, developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is under-recognized and under-diagnosed (Blank et al., 2019). To help bridge this gap, we established a DCD Clinic to facilitate diagnosis through assessment by a developmental pediatrician and occupational therapist. While this model has been very successful, high numbers of referrals have resulted in a long waitlist, prompting us to explore other avenues to diagnosis. Objectives: The DCD QUality Improvement Initiative - Occupational Therapy Assessment Screening (DCD QUOTAS) aims to reduce the clinic waitlist and determine whether an alternative model of service could reduce wait-times. Methods: We invited 87 waitlisted families of children with suspected DCD (without other known co-occurring conditions) for an assessment by an occupational therapist, who then recommended either: (1) follow-up with their community pediatrician to confirm/rule-out diagnosis; or (2) remaining on the clinic waitlist to see the developmental pediatrician. Sixty-five children (75% of invited families) have participated in QUOTAS. Data analysis is underway. Descriptive statistics (mean, SD, range) will determine the effectiveness of this model in reducing overall wait-time for diagnosis (QUOTAS and clinic) and increasing the number of diagnoses made in the community, thus reducing the demand for specialized services. Results: We anticipate that occupational therapy screening will effectively triage referrals, resulting in reduced wait times and more timely diagnosis. Conclusions: Occupational therapists have a critical role in providing assessment data to facilitate a DCD diagnosis. Findings will help to determine if occupational therapy screening is effective in triaging referrals for DCD diagnostic pathways.

S34 Determinants of social participation after stroke
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC): N/A | Conférence
Participation et inclusion | Communauté/population

Jacob Bosancich (University of British Columbia | Vancouver), Nicole Gingrich University of British Columbia, Julia Schmidt University of British Columbia, Brodie Sakakibara University of British Columbia

Introduction: Stroke survivors often report limited ability to participate socially, which in turn reduces quality of life. Although social participation is an important rehabilitation outcome, occupational therapy practice for stroke survivors lacks theoretically sound and evidence-based interventions. The Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW), which is both a behaviour meta-theory and intervention design framework, theorizes that capability, opportunity, and motivation contribute to behaviour change. It has been used to better understand health-related behaviours and develop effective behaviour change interventions, yet has not been used to understand social participation among stroke survivors. Objectives: This study will apply the BCW to understand the relationship between social participation and stroke survivors’ capability, opportunity, and motivation to engage socially. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we are currently recruiting 50 community-dwelling adult stroke survivors. A battery of assessments will be conducted including quality and frequency of social participation; physical and psychological capability; environmental barriers and social opportunity; and motivation to socialize. A multivariate regression analysis will identify the variables most related to social participation. Secondary outcome measures include depression and anxiety scales. Results: Recruitment for our study will complete in February 2020. We anticipate results will demonstrate personal, psychological and environmental barriers that limit social participation post-stroke. Findings will discuss how capability, opportunity, and motivation influence frequency of social engagement, and quality of social relationships. Conclusion: This study will provide insight into the determinants of social participation amongst stroke survivors, and will inform occupational therapy interventions to improve social participation and quality of life.

S66 Evaluating usability and satisfaction of a comprehensive concussion website
Pre-recorded (CST| HSC): N/A | Conférence
Éducation | Enfant/ jeunesse

Alexandra Patel (University of Toronto | Toronto), Sara Shear University of Toronto, Alexandra Cogliano Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Christine Provvidenza Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Dayna Greenspoon Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Katherine Wilson Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Nick Reed University of Toronto

Introduction: A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that can impact youth’s occupations, such as school. A comprehensive concussion website, including practical resources, has been created to guide school personnel (teachers, administrators) in supporting students to return-to-school post-concussion. To ensure the website is user informed and user driven, it is important to evaluate the resource through user perspectives to inform further enhancement and enable implementation. Objectives: The primary objective is to determine usability, intended use, and satisfaction of the website from the user perspective. The secondary objective is to determine the users’ perceived change in knowledge and confidence in concussion return-to-school protocols. Methods: All school personnel who attend the website training workshops will be invited to complete a survey. The survey sections include: demographics; website satisfaction and intended use (System Usability Scale); and, knowledge of and confidence in, concussion return-to-school protocols. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis will be used. A change score will determine the perceived change in knowledge and confidence. Practice Implications: By educating school personnel on the website, it is predicted that the usability, intended use and satisfaction will be positively impacted. It is hypothesized that there will be an increase in perceived knowledge and confidence in return-to-school protocols, thus demonstrating the importance of education on the website. Conclusions: This study will inform future improvements to the website and determine its usability in schools. The website can help school personnel enable their students to return to the things they need, want and love to do after a concussion.