CAOT’s Find an Occupational Therapy (OT) Mentor program will be launched in October 2022 and will be offered to CAOT Members and Associates.

This program will serve as a professional platform for mentors and mentees to connect based on compatibility using a specified criteria which may include, but are not limited to practice experience, area of practice, geographic location, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. Mentors and mentees complete a self-matching process free of financial commitment. The length of mentor and mentee relationships and frequency of contact will be determined independently by each pairing. The purpose for the compatibility identifiers is to acknowledge that people have lived experiences that are unique to their social position in society and help mentors and mentees to connect based on similar experiences. This is an optional component of the program and is not mandatory for mentors or mentees to disclose these aspects of their identity.

How Does It Work?

Finding a mentor
  1. Visit our Find an OT Mentor webpage (to be launched in October, 2022) and select the different search criteria that are important to you.
  2. Review the results of your search and select mentor.
  3. Fill out your Mentee Profile (resource to come).
  4. Refer to the Mentee Resources Workbook (resource to come) for help in connecting with mentors and for guidance throughout your mentorship journey.
The matching process
  1. Mentees contact a mentor of their choosing, introduce themselves, share their Mentee Profile with the potential mentor to request an initial meeting. 
  2. If either or both parties feel that it is not a suitable match, the mentee can select another mentor.
Becoming a mentor
  1. You can opt-in to the program and become a mentor either upon membership renewal, or by updating your Member Profile and filling out the mentorship program questionnaire.
  2. Acknowledge on your Member Profile that you have read and agreed to the programs Terms of Use and Confidentiality Agreement.
  3. Review the Mentor resources (resource to come).
  4. Mentors can opt out of the mentorship program by de-selecting the “I want to be a mentor” option found in their Membership Profile.


To become a CAOT member, visit our membership webpage for more information.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact