CAOT values its volunteers and takes pride in showcasing their work and reflections on their experience. We invite past and present volunteers to submit a testimonial form so they can be showcased on the webpage. The testimonial form can be found here, and a CAOT staff member will follow up with you for a photo and to confirm permission to share your story on the webpage and social media.

"I enjoy volunteering with CAOT because it allows me to connect with OTs across the country, in diverse work settings, many of whom I would otherwise not have the opportunity to meet! We are able to learn from one another, in order to advance our practice locally and advocate for our profession nationally! By sharing some of my time and expertise, I have gained a vast network of colleagues and friends!"
"My time with CAOT in various roles has provided me with the opportunity to connect and engage with other occupational therapists from around the country. Being part of the organizational structure of our national association provides me with great pride and energy. It is the process of the formal meetings that provide me with a voice to be an integral part of the promotion of and advocacy for our profession. It is the informal conversations at lunch, the walks to a new restaurant at night, sightseeing around a new city or the catch up over a coffee that provide me with a sense of pure joy and passion for our profession – volunteering provides me with a multitude of occupational possibilities and for that I am appreciative. The passion I hear in others' voices about our profession ignites a drive in me like no other. I am a firm believer that my participation in CAOT has played a significant role in the practitioner I am today - overall it provides me with a sense of meaning, purpose and community."
"I volunteer for CAOT because CAOT is an organization I value. CAOT offers services/education that are relevant to me, and just as importantly, CAOT has helped to raise the profile of OT nationally and politically. What I particularly like about volunteering for CAOT is that they are so well-organized and they offer a variety of specific volunteer roles, so I can be involved in a way that is meaningful and manageable, AND I feel like I can make a contribution that they, in turn, also value. (In a way, CAOT is very "OT" in their ability to facilitate my participation in a meaningful activity....) And BONUS: the people at CAOT are really super nice to work with!"
"CAOT gave me an opportunity to contribute my voice starting as a student. Writing for Occupational Therapy Now equipped me with the skills to eventually take on the role of Interim Managing Editor. My experience with the Conference Scientific Program Committee has solidified my appreciation for the work CAOT does to advance occupational science and therapy in Canada and to support its members in contributing and learning along the way."
"Volunteering with CAOT gives me the opportunity to participate in advancing the profession and to share my experience and knowledge, all while developing new skills. I have been able to engage with profession leaders, members of parliament and amazing occupational therapy colleagues from across the country, and around the world. The volunteer opportunities at CAOT allow me to be able to give back to this profession that has given me so much, all while learning and having fun!"
"Hello I am Paulette Guitard and I have been volunteering with CAOT for over 40 years. I started as a student as our university representative. After I graduated, I became involved in various committees, reviewed abstracts for conference, reviewed articles for CJOT, served as associate editor for CJOT and as a board member and ultimately had the honor and privilege of being CAOT’s President from 2012-2014. Although I have retired from my day job, I am still actively involved in CAOT. I am board member (WFOT director), conference abstract reviewer and associate editor for CJOT. Why do I continue to be involved? I was ready to be no longer working but I was not ready to not being an OT. I wanted to give back to this profession that has given so much to me. I have only one regret after my long career that spanned from clinic to academia via CAOT Presidency is that our profession is still not well known to the general population and not used to its full potential to better Canadians lives. Imagine what the world would be like if there were more of us, that everyone who could benefit from OT would know to ask for our services; that communities would request more OT positions; that we would be able to practise to full scope!!! And I could go on and on. COVID-19 has increased awareness of the importance of participation in meaningful occupations but as OTs we have know this all along. Let’s use COVID-19’s momentum to increase awareness of our profession and its benefits to Canadians. Let’s unveil this hidden treasure that is our profession.  We are about to celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2026, we have made significant strides, but we still have work to do. I believe it is our collective responsibility to promote our profession and ensure that every Canadian has access to our services. That is why I volunteer my time with CAOT. We all need to do our part so we can achieve our goal. We can not rely on all the same volunteers to do all the work. CAOT welcomes all the help, big or small. I promise once you get started you will not want to stop!"

Margie Collingwood
Incoming Treasurer, CAOT Board of Directors  
Diane Graham
Advocate for occupational therapy in BC
Kim Hewitt
Chair of the Suicide and OT Practice Network
Paulette Guitard
Abstract Review Board
Angie Phenix and Kaarina Valavaara
Co-Chairs of the Occupational Therapy and Indigenous Health Network


Marc Rouleau
CAOT-Qc Advisory Committee

“Why get involved as a volunteer in CAOT? The reasons are numerous. It could stem from the desire to contribute to the development and recognition of the profession, to improve the practice, to have a concrete impact for sustaining occupational therapists in our wide range of fields and be proud of what we accomplish together, to give back to our network, to be involved with the next generation of OTs, to have an opportunity to share in order to develop collaborative efforts between different regions to enrich, innovate and promote our profession. The above mentioned reasons are some of many for which the advisory committee members of CAOT-Qc got involved with the organization as volunteers. 

Danielle Hogan – past Chair of the Certification Examination Committee (CEC).

“Such a phenomenal committee, such a wealth of experience there.”
“I’m actually making a difference…I loved being part of it.”
“Although I’d love to stay on, it’s nice to rejuvenate these committees with new members and get fresh new eyes on the exam – which is fantastic.”

Read Danielle Hogan’s volunteer story

Rose Martini – French Associate Editor of CJOT

I’m proud that I’m part of the team whose mission it is to improve the quality of a Canadian occupational therapy journal.”
“I find it very inspiring and I also find it very satisfying to see the results of the work, like when you see the manuscript published or the metrics of the journal going up. “
“Volunteering with CJOT has been, and continues to be, a wonderful, satisfying experience for me that I’d love to wish upon others.”

Read Rose Martini’s volunteer story

Isabelle Matte – Representative on the Certification Examination Committee 

“Moi je crois comme membre de l’association qu’il faut qu’on s’investisse pour la faire rayonner!”
J’ai rencontré des gens sur le comité, développé des liens d’amitié et des contacts précieux.”

Read Isabelle Matte’s volunteer story (available in French only)

Andrea McNeill – past Chair CAOT-BC Advisory Committee

“It’s been a wonderful journey. It promotes and builds confidence in the individual as well as the organization as whole.”
“Volunteering makes me feel fulfilled, very connected and supported and really happy to be involved in contributing in this profession and growing it.”

Read Andrea McNeill’s volunteer story

Sandra Hobson – CAOT Representative on the Joint Accreditation Committee (JAC)

“It’s very collegial and collaborative; it’s a very positive committee to serve on...I’m really enjoying it.”
“The work is all worth it because it’s enjoyable and it’s important. You feel that you’re contributing, that you’re making a difference, assuring potential students and their parents that the OTA/PTA programs are really good quality programs. “

Read Sandra Hobson’s volunteer story

Thank you to the CAOT members who shared their volunteer story with us.

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Thank you to Catherine Backman, Paulette Guitard, Denise DuBois and Mary Forhan for participating in this membership video.