Safe driving

Safety on our roads is an issue for all Canadians. As so many of us rely on the car as a means of transportation and independence, it is important that those who drive do all that they can to ensure they are ‘fit’ for driving by addressing any obstacles or conditions that limit their abilities. Occupational therapists (OTs) can help. An occupational therapist can:
  • Evaluate your driving capacity
  • Ensure your seating posture in the vehicle is optimal 
  • Propose interventions or vehicle modifications 
  • Recommend adapted equipment to enhance your driving practice 
  • Help find alternative transportation options
Use Find an OT and search by Driving Assessment and Rehabilitation to find an occupational therapist who specializes in driving and rehabilitation to help you be safe on the road. 

Warning signs of unsafe driving

Age alone does not determine a person’s ability to remain a safe driver. Many older adults continue to be safe drivers and make decisions to avoid driving situations in which they feel less confident. However, as you age, changes in your abilities make some activities more difficult. It is important to recognize changes that can affect your ability to drive safely.

For example:

Vision: You may begin to notice glare and find it more difficult to see in the dark, scan the environment, or see things in your peripheral vision.

Physical: You may feel weaker, stiff, experience pain or move more slowly.

Cognition: You may have more difficulty remembering things, making decisions or doing activities when there are distractions.

Reaction Time: You may find it more difficult to react quickly in different situations.

Other signs:

  • You lose your way.
  • You have less confidence in your driving skills.
  • You notice other drivers honk at you.
  • You miss stop signs or traffic lights.
  • You mix up gas and brake pedals.
  • You have problems with lane changes or merging.
  • You have minor accidents or traffic tickets.
  • Your passenger needs to help you.
  • Family and friends refuse to get in the car with you.

If these warning signs reflect your situation, it may be time to make some changes to your driving strategies or have your driving evaluated.

Use Find an OT and search by Driving Assessment and Rehabilitation to find an occupational therapist who specializes in driving and rehabilitation to help you be safe on the road. 

Resources about safe driving

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) is pleased to provide these materials in support of safe driving for Canadians: 

Safe driving tips for older drivers English
Information for Older Adults English  French  Chinese (traditional and simplified)   Italian   Punjabi 
Information for Families of Older Drivers English   French  Chinese (traditional and simplifiedItalian   Punjabi 
Driving & Alzheimer's disease English  French   Chinese   Italian   Punjabi
Driving & Diabetes  English   French  Chinese (traditional and simplified)   Italian    Punjabi
Driving & Stroke  English  French  Chinese (traditional and simplified)   Italian    Punjabi


CarFit is an educational program that provides a quick, yet comprehensive review of how well you and your vehicle work together.  It teaches you to improve your safety and comfort behind the wheel, as a driver.  Learn more about CarFit and find out about upcoming CarFit Events. 

Do you have an unanswered question about driving?

Use Find an OT and search by Driving Assessment and Rehabilitation to find an occupational therapist who specializes in driving and rehabilitation to help you be safe on the road.