Chaque mois, nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir des ergothérapeutes ou des membres interprofessionnels de l'équipe de soins de santé pour discuter des questions et tendances émergentes dans le domaine de l'ergothérapie et du système de soins de santé canadien. Les invités représentent une variété de parcours cliniques et non-cliniques, de différents domaines de pratique, et dans des environnements variés. Les épisodes sont d'une durée de 30 à 40 minutes afin d'encourager les auditeurs à écouter l'émission pendant leur pause déjeuner ou tout autre moment libre. Si vous souhaitez participer au balado, veuillez envoyer un courriel à en indiquant le sujet que vous aimeriez aborder. Les réactions, les commentaires et les questions sont également les bienvenus.  

Les opinions exprimées par les invités sont les leurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions et les croyances de l’ACE. Le balado vise à fournir une plateforme pour des discussions ouvertes et honnêtes avec des invités d'origines et de domaines de pratique variés. Le langage utilisé par les invités leur appartient et peut parfois ne pas correspondre aux valeurs ou aux croyances du balado. Nous souhaitons promouvoir un espace propice à la bienveillance, à la croissance et à l'apprentissage et nous ne tolérons aucun langage irrespectueux ou offensif. Les auditeurs doivent faire preuve de discernement et de discrétion lorsqu'ils examinent les opinions exprimées.  

Le balado ne fait pas la promotion d'avantages personnels, commerciaux ou financiers pour les entités mentionnées. 

Nouveau! Épisode 37: Becoming Occupational Therapy: Passion, Mission, Profession, Vocation

In Episode 37 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker is joined by Australian occupational therapist ⁠Bradley Williams⁠. Together, they discuss the profound ways occupational therapy fosters meaningful engagement, drawing from eastern ways of knowing such as the Japanese concept of Ikigai which acknowledges the intersection of passion, mission, profession, and vocation. Exploring the interweaving of an occupational therapy professional's work, beliefs, values, passions, and goals, this podcast discussion invites listeners to unravel the essence of occupation and passion in a shared quest for fulfillment.

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Nouveau! Épisode 36: Wholistic Occupational Therapy with Criminalized Populations: Remembering our Humanity

In Episode 36 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker and occupational therapist ⁠Crystal Dieleman⁠, explore holistic occupational therapy service provision with persons in prison and forensic mental health settings, and with clients who have a criminal record. Today, 1 in 7 adult Canadians have a criminal record, but are not in prison or forensic settings. This discussion sheds light on how societal factors influence participation in criminal occupations and emphasizes the need for OTs/OTAs to address personal and professional biases and provide equitable care to all individuals, regardless of their past experiences.

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Pour l'épisode 35 de OT Conversations that Matter : The Podcast, l'animatrice Justine Jecker accueille l'ergothérapeute Skye Barbic pour discuter de la vaste portée de l'ergothérapie dans la prestation de services de santé mentale. Ensemble, elles analysent l'impact profond de l'ergothérapie sur le mieux-être holistique et l'importance des occupations significatives. Partout au Canada, les ergothérapeutes plaident inlassablement en faveur de leur reconnaissance en tant que prestataires essentiels de soins de santé mentale. Pour mieux comprendre la situation actuelle, Skye et Justine explorent les perceptions historiques et contemporaines de l'ergothérapie, en particulier dans le contexte actuel de la santé mentale. Cet épisode sert de boussole, guidant la profession sur le chemin de la reconquête de notre identité collective en tant que prestataires de services de santé mentale.

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Dans l'épisode 34 de OT Conversations that Matter : The Podcast, l'animatrice Justine Jecker explore le potentiel transformatif de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) avec les ergothérapeutes Shelley Vaisberg et Sarah Brzeszkiewicz. De la révolution des évaluations à la rationalisation des tâches administratives en passant par l'amélioration des interventions, cette discussion porte sur comment l'IA influence les pratiques en ergothérapie et dans les milieux cliniques. Écoutez cette conversation captivante à l'intersection de la technologie et du mieux-être humain.

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Dans cet épisode à ne pas manquer de OT Conversations that Matter : The Podcast, l'animatrice Justine Jecker explore la refonte des systèmes de santé canadiens avec nos invitées, les docteures Ivy Bourgeault  et Ivy Oandasan. La Dre Bourgeault, professeure à l'Université d'Ottawa, dirige le Réseau canadien des personnels de santé et se concentre sur les perspectives de genre dans la recherche sur les personnes travaillant à titre professionnel en santé. La Dre Oandasan, professeure à l'Université de Toronto, est spécialisée dans la formation interprofessionnelle et la médecine familiale. Toutes deux sont devenues coresponsables d'un projet de 45,3 millions de dollars financé par le gouvernement fédéral, intitulé Équipe de soins primaires.  En tant que cheffes de file en matière de transformation des systèmes de santé, leur travail a un impact significatif sur l'ergothérapie dans le cadre des discussions nationales sur la refonte et l'amélioration des équipes de soins primaires.

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Dans l'épisode 32 de OT Conversations that Matter : The Podcast, l'animatrice Justine Jecker explore le leadership en équipe avec ses invitées, la travailleuse sociale Gayle Adams-Carpino et l'ergothérapeute Kathryn Wise. Cet épisode se penche sur la compréhension des compétences interprofessionnelles dans le contexte du leadership tout en naviguant la transition vers les soins en équipe. Ensemble, Justine, Gayle et Kathryn décortiquent habilement les nuances complexes du leadership en équipe dans le paysage dynamique des soins de santé. 

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Dans l'épisode 31 de OT Conversations that Matter : The Podcast, notre animatrice Justine Jecker accueille  Stefanie Matos et Husna Harmi, deux ergothérapeutes formées à l'étranger. Stefanie et Husna partagent ouvertement leurs parcours internationaux uniques, soulignant les différentes joies et les défis rencontrés lors de leurs études et de leur travail à l'étranger. Elles explorent également les obstacles rencontrés lors de leur transition dans un nouveau pays, offrant un aperçu fort utile des complexités de l'intégration professionnelle des ergothérapeutes ayant reçu leur formation à l’étranger, un processus qui, au Canada, est supervisé par l'Association canadienne des organismes de réglementation en ergothérapie (ACORE) par l’entremise du programme des Systèmes d'évaluation de l’équivalence substantielle (SEES).

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In Episode 30 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, the host, Justine Jecker, explores the intersection of occupational therapy, mental health, and psychotherapy. Accompanying her to discuss the various theories and practices within the psychotherapeutic realm are occupational therapists, Sandeep Marwaha and Sarah Good . In the world of occupational therapy, navigating the nuanced landscape of psychotherapy and mental health remains challenging but essential. Join the discussion as they unravel the complexities and shed light on how occupational therapists actively contribute to shaping the evolving narrative of mental health in Canada.

For foundational information about psychotherapy within occupational therapy practice, visit the  College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario's psychotherapy webpage .

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In Episode 29 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker explores the vital but often overlooked area of practice supporting eating disorders and disordered eating. Joined by occupational therapists Elyse Trudell and Sossy Sahakian , this episode offers a glimpse into how occupational therapy professionals assess, intervene, and provide support to individuals on their path towards enhanced physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being in the context of their relationship with eating and wellness. Join us for an informative discussion that sheds light on a growing area of practice within occupational therapy.  

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In Episode 28 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast. Host, Justine Jecker dives into the second part of our series on occupational therapy within Primary Care teams with OTs Rachel Degan from Saskatchewan and Lisa Diamond-Burchuk from Manitoba. Our aim with this series is to connect OTs from diverse regions, shedding light on how occupational therapy is shaping Primary Care nationwide. Our first episode featured insights from Ontario and British Columbia. In this episode, we center our focus on the heart of Canada, offering a comprehensive view of our profession's role within this landscape. Discover how occupational therapists contribute to preventive health, holistic care, and client empowerment, all aimed at addressing health issues upstream. Join us as we continue to explore the evolution of primary care occupational therapy skills. 

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In Episode 27 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker initiates a two-part series exploring the role of OTs within Canadian Primary Care teams. This discussion stems from insights gained at the 2023 CAOT Conference in Saskatoon, highlighting OTs' significance amid Canada's Health Human Resource crisis and the call for an expanded role in primary care in a paper entitled Occupational Therapy and Primary Care: A Vision for the Path Forward  by  Donnelly and colleagues (2022). Our guest OTs, Maryann Gardhouse and Gina Hargreaves, shed light on how OTs operate across diverse clinic settings, leveraging interprofessional support, and caring for clients from diverse backgrounds. Join us as we gain firsthand perspectives from Ontario and BC, into the heart of Canada's interprofessional care team evolution. 

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For episode 26 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker explores the significance of what we eat, how we eat, whom we eat with, and where our food comes from with occupational therapist Ryan Osal and local food activist Justin Cantafio . Together they discuss the role of food as medicine and the diverse occupations involved, from seed to table, in settings like farmers' markets and healthcare clinics. Tune in for a conversation on the intersections of sustainable food systems and occupational participation.


  1. American Psychiatric Association (2022, June 18). Extreme heats impact on your mental health
  2. Gaples Institute & Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition (2023). Sustainable Diets
  3. Farmers Markets of Nova Scotia
  4. Canadian Farmers Markets

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For episode 25 host Justine Jecker is joined by occupational therapists (OTs) Dianna Fong-Lee and Heather Gillespie. Their discussion centers around Occupational Therapist Assistants (OTAs) and their vital roles within the profession. This episode continues the exploration initiated in the first OTA-focused podcast, episode 21, shedding light on the variety of ways OTAs are trained in Canada. Dianna and Heather, known for their work on OT and OTA collaboration, also contributed to the 2019 OTA/PTA Vision Project, advocating for enhancing the roles of OTAs and PTAs in the profession.

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For Episode 24 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker delves into the topic of sustainable occupational therapy practice with guest occupational therapists Janet Craik and Ben Mortenson. This episode builds upon the insightful discussions from Episode 22, which considered the role of occupational therapy in the context of planetary health and climate change. The conversation explores "sustainable health equity" and how the well-being of our society is intricately intertwined with the health of our planet. Tune in today to discover actionable steps to foster a healthier future for both your community and the environment!

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For episode 23 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker is joined by occupational therapist Jennifer Berg-Carnegie and Carol MacDonald. Together, they delve into the topic of 'traditional' versus 'non-traditional' occupational therapy and innovative practices. With their extensive backgrounds as entrepreneurs spanning several decades, Jennifer and Carol share their thoughts on the significance of embracing innovative approaches within the ever-evolving dynamics of the profession. Join us as we explore the exciting intersection of tradition and innovation in occupational therapy. 

In this episode, host Justine Jecker welcomes occupational therapist, Giovanna Boniface, and family physician, Myles Sergeant, to discuss the importance of planetary health and sustainable action in the face of climate change. As climate change impacts every person on the planet and their daily occupations, it is crucial for clinicians to understand the opportunities for engagement and action. With a focus on expanding knowledge, time, and resources towards sustainable action, the conversation explores how occupational therapy can contribute to a bottom-up approach in addressing climate change. Tune in to the first episode of a three-part series to learn more about how we can work towards a healthier planet and healthier individuals.

For episode 21 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, host Justine Jecker is joined by occupational therapist assistant (OTA) Debra Cooper, and occupational therapist (OT) Teresa Avvampato. Together they explore intra-professional collaboration and its links to building capacity in occupational therapy service delivery. They share with us their thoughts on strengthening OT & OTA relationship building and how the profession could better support the development of these relationships.;

For episode 20 of OT Conversations that Matter: the Podcast, host Justine Jecker, is joined by guest OTs Shiyen Shu and Gillian Barrie. Through discussing questions such as "could OTs have more of an impact around the world if they knew how to be better leaders?" and "how can we support leadership development for OT graduates, clinicians, and OT leaders?" they explore what it means to grow leadership in occupational therapy. Tune in today to hear more about Shiyen and Gillian's leadership journey!

For episode 19 of OT Conversations that Matter: the Podcast, host Justine Jecker is joined by special guest Phillip Wendt, OT & President of CAOT. Together they explore the motivators to becoming an occupational therapy practitioner and the links that unify OTs everywhere. Phillip shares with us how his journey to becoming President of CAOT and his experience working with people with varying health conditions has shaped his views of the profession.

For episode 18 of OT Conversations that Matter: the Podcast, host Justine Jecker is joined by guest OT Monique Lizon to discuss reflective and reflexive practice. Monique, is completing a Master of Public Health with a Specialization in Indigenous and Northern Health at Lakehead University and is currently a Policy Analyst at CAOT; she shares with us her reflections and some lessons learned throughout her research journey which focused on the response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada Calls to Action by OT professional associations and regulatory bodies. 

December 2022  

For episode 17 of OT Conversations that Matter: the Podcast, host Justine Jecker is joined by guest OTs, Naomi Hazlett and Melissa Croskery. Together they discuss neurodiversity's origin, its evolution since 2020, and the understanding and relationship OTs have with neurodiversity and neurodivergent clients. Tune in today to hear Melissa and Naomi share more about their personal and professional experience with neurodiversity! 

In this episode, host Justine Jecker is joined by occupational therapist Julie Entwistle to discuss leadership. While leadership is not a new topic in health care, or in occupational therapy, its recent prominence in national discourse led us to engage in discussions on specific styles of leadership and how those might be reflected in day-to-day practice. Julie is a fervent leader who has donned many hats throughout her career including that of clinician, business owner, regulator, and Board Director. 

For OT Month, OT Conversations That Matter: the Podcast is releasing a special extended episode focusing on the new textbook  Promoting Occupational Participation: Collaborative Relationship-Focused Occupational Therapy. For episode 15, our host Justine Jecker is joined by OTs Gayle Restall and Mary Egan, editors of the new textbook representing over three dozen authors.

Through answering questions from our members about the new book, this episode explores the fundamental purpose of occupational participation and the book’s emphasis that occupational therapy is focused on collaborative relationships with individuals, families, communities, and populations. Considered an evolutionary advancement in our thinking, the publication introduces three important developments: how OTs characterize relationships with clients, the primary aim of practice, and how the profession is responding to justice, equity, and rights for individuals and collectives. Justine, Mary and Gayle also explore the new framework, the Canadian Occupational Therapy Inter-Relational Practice Process (COTIPP), and further elaborate on the evolutions towards the CanMOP and COTIPP from the Enabling Occupation II textbook which focuses on the CMOP-E and CPPF.
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Pour l'épisode 14 partie 2 de OT Conversations that Matter : Le podcast, Émilie Montour, Responsable de projet à l'ACE, anime notre tout premier épisode en français sur le thème de l'identité professionnelle. Émilie est en compagnie de Yasmine Frikha, une ergothérapeute canadienne d'origine française qui fait actuellement son doctorat sur le thème de l'identité professionnelle à l'Université Laval au Québec. Yasmine a été motivée à approfondir le concept d'identité professionnelle lorsqu'elle a constaté, à travers son expérience clinique au Québec, qu'il s'agissait d'un enjeu courant dans la profession. Au cours de cet épisode, Yasmine et Emilie explorent les nombreuses raisons qui poussent les cliniciens de notre profession à remettre en question leur identité professionnelle et ce qui pourrait aider les ergothérapeutes à surmonter certaines des difficultés qu'ils rencontrent.
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For episode 14 of OT Conversations that Matter: The Podcast, our host Justine Jecker is joined by Yasmine Frikha, a Canadian OT originally from France who is currently doing her PhD work on the topic of professional identity at the University of Laval in Québec. Yasmine was motivated to dive deeper into the concept of professional identity when she recognized, through her clinical experience in Quebec, that it was a common practice issue. During this episode, Yasmine and Justine explore the many reasons that lead clinicians within our profession to question their professional identity and what could help day-to-day practicing OTs work through some of the struggles they experience. 
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In this episode, Emmanuelle Pichard-Jolicoeur, OT & CAOT Global Health Practice Network Co-Chair, and Deb Cameron, OT and founder of the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation at the University of Toronto, join us to talk about the Global Health Practice Network, what it means to be a global health OT and how being a Global OT ties into the concepts of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. 
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Dr. Shirley Ha, neuro-rehabilitative optometrist (OD) and Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, and Pamela Chinchilla, vision therapist and former practising optometrist in Colombia, join us to talk about OTs working alongside vision specialists. We explore different ways OTs and ODs could successfully build interprofessional relationships to better support and inform each other's practises and ensure optimal client care. 
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In this episode, Emilie Montour, CAOT Policy Analyst, and Holly Reid, OT and UBC PHD student, join us to talk about advocacy within the OT profession. We look at where advocacy is featured in the new Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada (2021) and what these advocacy competency indicators may look like in practice. We also explore the relationship between advocacy, OTs, their clients, and social, economic, political, legal and institutional barriers to participation and occupation.
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In this episode, Joy-Ann Perry and Amie Tsang join us to talk about socially accountable mentorship and their work with Occupational Therapists for Equity Advancement (OTEA). OTEA is an independent network of Occupational Therapists from historically marginalized groups, founded by Black, Indigenous and 2SLGBTQ+ occupational therapists that collectively support the enhancement of inclusion, diversity, equity and access within occupational therapy in the Greater Toronto Area." 
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In this episode we are joined by Anna Braunizer and Tanelle Bolt to talk about branching away from the medical model and toward thinking about occupations beyond basic self-care. As the pandemic continues to disrupt our way of life, we can reflect on how COVID has changed individual and societal level awareness of how spaces are designed and used.  
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This episode features occupational therapists Jennifer Bertoni and Justine Jecker. To close the 2021 year, we will be talking about culturally appropriate interprofessional health care services for First Nations and Indigenous populations. Both of our speakers today have worked with First Nations populations in northwestern Ontario with communities identifying as Anishinabek peoples. They both have a focus on culturally safe health care practices and how interprofessional teams appropriately service the needs of those in First Nation communities. If you'd like to connect with Jen, she can be reached at
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In this episode we return to the discussion surrounding social accountability to explore common downfalls and the ever-growing opportunities for change. This is the first episode with a guest who isn’t an occupational therapist but who has been strongly tied to the world of occupational therapy over the past few years. Thank you to Samira Omar for joining us!
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October 2021


This episode focuses on social accountability with considerations of how this contrasts social activism. Holly and Justine engage in a conversation about what it means to be accountable and who we are accountable to, what constitutes activism, and how disrupting and professionalism can co-exist. 

September 2021


Justine Jecker and Melissa Croskery discuss occupational therapists as change agents. This was examined in the context of where our profession came from over time, and where we can hope to be going over the next 100 years. We consider change agency in a generalist context and from the perspective of leadership and discuss whether OT can exist without change agency.

Justin Turner and Holly Reid, two occupational therapists, engage in a conversation on double-discrimination related to queerness and race, as well as discuss how the historical context of occupational therapy has been either a support or barrier to accessing healthcare services.
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With us today we have Kathryn Lambert and Justine Jecker, who engage in a conversation about what OTs bring to the table when doing research, involving patients and clients as partners, and what message they have for OTs who want to engage in research but do not have the time or resources to enroll in in a 4-year PhD or longer.
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How can occupational therapists have the language and knowledge to know how to support and advocate for an 2SLGBTQIA+ client when this is not readily taught in the institutions educating OT students? Reflections from 2SLGBTQIA+ OT’s, students and stories of lived experience.   
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Dans ce premier épisode de la série de balados (disponible en anglais), Holly Reid et Justine Jecker présentent la vision et le but du balado. Ils se situent et décrivent leur parcours à titre d'ergothérapeutes. Les sujets et idées à venir sont discutés, tout en identifiant le besoin d’avoir cette série de balados.

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