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19 déc. 2018 12:00 - 13:00 - Eastern Standard Time

Translating clinical practice into real world environments: Does what we teach them really work? (Part 2)

Register by Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time).

This is Part 2 of a 2-part webinar series. Part 1 is now available as an On-Demand Webinar, for purchase by individuals and by groups.

Presenter: Naomi Abrams

Balance ball chairs, sit/stand desks, “lift with your legs” – do any really work? Explore realistic and effective activity and space modifications recommendations for patients across the lifespan using the limited contextual information available in clinic-based practice. Best practices dictate that there should be a strong correlation between recommendations and education provided in the clinic and the current evidence about the effectiveness of interventions in the patient’s real world environment. However, much of what we teach and recommend in the clinic does not work in the real world. Come find out why and what you can do about it.

After taking part in this webinar, participants will:

  1. Understand the influences of environmental factors, including physical space, institutional policies, and psychosocial factors on the clinical reasoning process when making "real-world" recommendationgs for space or activity modification.
  2. Understand the current research related to environmental and activity modifications/ergonomics.
  3. Identify methods to improve the effectiveness of recommendations for "real world" environments.
  4. Identify methods to improve clinical reasoning skills when analyzing equipment that has the potential for being used by clients.

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific practice of area). Advanced (More than 5 years of experience in this specific practice or topic area)
Areas of practice
Neuological/neuromuscular, Musculoskeletal, General Physical Health, Health Promotion and Wellness, Educators

Client age groups

Young Children (0-4 years old), Children (5-12 years old), Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old), Seniors (65+ years old)


Registration fees

Interested in many upcoming Practice Evidence Webinars? Purchase a bundle and save an additional 20-75% off

Individual registration (for one individual person): $50 for CAOT members / $95 for non-members (plus applicable taxes)

Group registration (for groups of up to 25 people, participating from up to 3 sites/computers): $250 for CAOT members / $475 for non-members (plus applicable taxes)

Cancellation/refund policy

All cancellation/refund requests must be sent in writing to Cancellation requests received prior to the registration deadline will be given a 50% refund. CAOT will not provide a refund after the registration deadline. If you are unable to attend the Webinar live, all webinars are recorded (unless there are exceptional technical difficulties) and registrants receive access to the recording following the Webinar.

CAOT reserves the right to cancel or modify all events. If a Practice Evidence Webinar is cancelled by CAOT, you will receive an adjustment on your bundle.