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7 avr. 2020 12:00 - 13:00 - CAOT-BC: Chronic Pain & Occupational Therapy Practice Network Meeting

CAOT-BC Chronic Pain & Occupational Therapy Practice Network Meeting - (free for members, $20 + tax for others)

Date: April 7, 2020

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Pacific Time

Location: Webinar

Topic: The Stress of Pain

Description: In this webinar, we will explore the role that stress can play when it comes to treating chronic pain. We will review how both pain itself and the management of pain can be a source of stress. We will also discuss the role and mechanism of stress in healing and recovery, and how we can best support patients in this. Part of this will include the importance of pacing and time management. The importance of diet and how it can be used therapeutically will also be reviewed. We will also review how a naturopathic doctor can fit into the care team of a chronic pain patient.

Presenter: Dr. Brittany Schamerhorn is a naturopathic physician working in the Kitsilano area of Vancouver as well as the Ladner area of Delta in BC. Her practice is focused on energy and stress management, helping patients feeling more energized and resilient. In addition, she supports many patients with digestive and hormonal concerns. She uses natural-based modalities to create attainable and effective treatment plans that meet the patient's needs and lifestyles. 

Dr. Schamerhorn was awarded the Clinical Excellence Award from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, recognizing her commitment and excellence in patient care. She continues to expand her education regularly through collaboration with other health care providers in addition to conferences, webinars, etc.