22 août 2020 08:00 - 23 août 2020 15:00
The “FMT Movement Specialist” Certification is a 2-part certification course comprised of a 6-hr FMT Movement Assessment Course and a 6-hr FMT Advanced Movement Assessment Course. The “FMT Movement Specialist” Certification will provide attendees an integrated strategy for movement assessment, correction and programming. This course addresses multiple considerations that affect our ability to move including the psychological, neurological, motor, connective tissue systems, environment and personalities of our patients and clients. Movement efficiency and variability will be emphasized as key components to assessment and programming goals.
Human movement involves the interplay between the person and their environment alongside the person and their ‘parts’ being able to meet their movement goals. The FMT Movement Specialist course will emphasize goal oriented movement assessments with an emphasis away from stereotypic standard movement screening practices.This course will introduce a new paradigm for understanding and enhancing how our patients and clients move using three systems of human movement; neurological (mapping), core control (midline) and mechanical (motor) systems.