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30 sept. 2020 19:00 - 21:00 - CAOT-BC: Chronic Pain & Occupational Therapy Practice Network Meeting

CAOT-BC Chronic Pain and Occupational Therapy Practice Network Meeting - (free for members, $20 + tax for others)


Date: September 30, 2020

Time: 7:00 Pacific Time

Location: Webinar

Topic: Pain OT Happy Hour: Educating Through Lived Experience


Presenter: Linda Crawford



 Educating through Lived Experiences: Empowering People in Pain to Restore Their Bodies, Rebuild Their Lives, and Renew Their Joy

Occupational therapists are specially trained to address the biopsychosocial, or “whole person, whole-life” aspects of a person’s pain experience. This requires ongoing education and support to empower individuals with the skills they need to successfully self-manage and self-direct their lives.

How do we provide that ongoing education and support? Studies show that people only retain 25% of what they hear, and almost 50% of medical information retained is inaccurate. But with “practice by doing” people retain up to 75%!

In this presentation Linda will challenge occupational therapists to explore “practice by doing” teaching methods and explain how she integrates experiences that teach into her 3 part framework for working with people in pain: Restore Your Body, Rebuild Your life, Renew Your Joy.


Linda has a lived experience of four years of persistent pain and has been an occupational therapist for over 30 years. She owns a community based private practice, Brave Therapy, in Denver Colorado and specializes in working with people with complex pain conditions using her 3-part framework: Restore Your Body, Rebuild Your Life, Renew Your Joy.

Prior to her current practice, Linda spent over 10 years of her career specializing in brain injury and stroke rehabilitation. She has also been a complex seating and positioning specialist, and has worked in acute hospital, burn unit, acute and sub-acute rehabilitation, outpatient clinic, and home health settings.


Linda is a certified facilitator of Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™ resilience curricula, a clinical advisor for the development of the Occupational Experience Profile (OEP) tool and teaches courses for OTs on Person-Centered Pain Care. She spent over 10 years creating experiential educational activities for an educational publisher and is passionate about helping people “learn through living it.”