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25 nov. 2020 12:00 - 13:00 - via Zoom

Falls Prevention 2: Unique Walkers & Rollators to Meet Specialized Needs

Stander creates innovative and unique Home Medical Equipment solutions to help people live more safely, comfortably, and independently. We are a proud Corporate Partner of the CAOT (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists) and several of our products have been peer-reviewed, tested, and officially recognized by the CAOT. 

We believe in Occupational Therapy and the real difference that OTs can and do make in peoples' lives every day. And in support of that belief, we are committed to provide OTs with information and education, so that they can provide their Clients with the best solution(s) to meet their individual needs.

This is the second of 3 planned one-hour ZOOM presentations, which feature products with real falls-prevention value. The focus of this second event will be on Unique Walkers & Rollators. So, we'll demonstrate real walkers and rollators (not pics or slides) on a live basis and answer all your questions on a real-time basis. 

Sign up today!

Questions? Comments? Please contact or call  him toll-free at 1.800.506.9901 ext 126