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8 avr. 2020 12:00 - 13:00 - CAOT-BC: Dysphagia Practice Network Meeting

CAOT-BC Dysphagia Practice Network Meeting - (free for members, $20 + tax for others)

Date: April 8, 2020

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Pacific Time

Location: Teleconference

Topic: Ethical considerations in dysphagia with Dr. Bethan Everett

Description: We are pleased to have Dr. Bethan Everett join us for our upcoming Dysphagia Practice Network meeting to discuss ethical considerations in dysphagia management.

In preparation for this meeting, please share an ethical dilemma or difficult situation related to dysphagia for discussion. This can entail a situation you have faced in your practice, or that you are interested in discussing. For example, a client is deemed not capable to make their own decisions and their substitute decision maker (family) is insisting they be fed textures that are deemed at risk by the health care team/facility.

Please submit your description (1-2 sentences) to as soon as possible, and no later than March 25th.

Presenter: Dr. Bethan Everett, MBA, Ph.D. is an ethics consultant with Vancouver Coastal Health and a Clinical Professor with the Faculty of Medicine at The University of British Columbia. She currently is a member of nine Ethics Committees. Her current interests include ethical issues related to living at risk, mental health, substance use, disability and health care for marginalized individuals/populations.