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Free, Online, On Demand CarFit Training  

Previously trained Technicians, Coordinators, and Instructors are welcome to re-take any level of training they received in person in the past, now virtually, and receive a new certificate of training as part of their ongoing or re-orientation to the program and professional development.

Virtual CarFit Training    

Did you know that free, online, on demand CarFit training is now available?

About Virtual CarFit Technician Training 

  • CarFit training is free.
  • Learn how to assist Event Coordinators and Instructors to support in-person CarFit Events by becoming a trained CarFit Technician.
  • To be a fully trained Technician you must complete both on-line or in-person classroom training and training at an in-person
    CarFit event, where available.  
  • Virtual lab training is also offered in preparation for in-person CarFit events and to provide training when there are no local
  • Event Coordinators or Instructors. 
  • Technician training teaches learners how to complete a 12-point checklist with drivers to educate the driver about person
    vehicle fit.
  • Training is at your own pace, online and on demand.
  • You will receive materials to read and videos to watch.
  • You will complete a scheduled Virtual Lab with a CarFit Instructor, using your phone or tablet, and your vehicle.
    Training, including the lab, should take about 6 hours to complete.
To register for Virtual CarFit Technician training you must be one of:  
  • Be a registered or retired occupational therapist in Canada
  • Be a previously trained CarFit Technician, Coordinator or Instructor looking to refresh your skills.
  • Be an occupational therapy student at a university in Canada
  • Be an occupational therapy assistant in Canada

ROLE Description

Important information about Virtually Trained CarFit Technicians:  

You will receive a certificate of training with 6 hours of professional development after reading and watching and reviewing all the materials and passing the virtual lab. 

You can then support in-person CarFit Events with an Event Coordinator or Instructor, identifying that you are virtually trained.

CarFit Technician Training is the first step to complete before Technician 1:1, Occupational Therapy Supplement, Event Coordinator, or Instructor training. 

You cannot offer CarFit individually without completing Technician 1:1 training (see below)  

You cannot be the Occupational Therapist (completing step 12 of the CarFit Checklist) at an In-Person CarFit Event without completing Occupational Therapy Supplement training (online, on demand is coming very soon!) 

Apply for Virtual CarFit Technician Training

As a reminder: Please update the CarFit section in your CAOT profile when you have completed the technician training

About Virtual CarFit Technician One on One Training
  • Training is free
  • Technician One on One Training is for previously trained Technicians who want to offer CarFit on their own, one on one to drivers, and not part of group events.
  • A reminder that CarFit must always be free for drivers.
To Register for Virtual CarFit Technician One on One training you must:
Be previously trained as a CarFit Technician

ROLE Description 

Important information about Virtually Trained CarFit One on One Technicians:
You will receive a certificate of training with 1 hour of professional development after reading and watching and reviewing all the materials
You must have the support of an CarFit trained Event Coordinator, Instructor or the CarFit National Program Coordinator to perform CarFit One on One

Apply for Virtual CarFit Technician One on One Training

As a reminder: Please update the CarFit section in your CAOT profile when you have completed the technician training

About Virtual CarFit  Occupational Therapy Supplement Training

  • Training is free. 
  • Occupational Therapy Supplement Training is for Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants and Occupational Therapy Students who are also previously trained Technicians who want to support in-person CarFit events at the Check-out station.  

To Register for Virtual CarFit  Occupational Therapy Supplement training you must:  

  • Be previously trained as a CarFit Technician 
  • Be an Occupational Therapy Practitioner (Therapist, Student or Assistant)  

ROLE Description 

Important information about Virtual CarFit Occupational Therapy Supplement Training:

You will receive a certificate of training with 1.25 hours of professional development after reading and watching and reviewing all the materials.

Apply for Virtual CarFit Occupational Therapy Supplement Training 

As a reminder: Please update the CarFit section in your CAOT profile when you have completed the supplement training

About Virtual CarFit  Event Coordinator Training
  • Training is free. 
  • Event Coordinator Training is anyone who is a previously trained Technician and who wants to organize and lead in-person CarFit Events in Canada.
To Register for Virtual CarFit Event Coordinator Training you must: 
  • Be previously trained as a CarFit Technician.
  • Provide a resume and references
ROLE Description

Important information about Virtual CarFit Event Coordinator Training
You will receive a certificate of training with 1.25 hours of professional development after reading and watching and reviewing all the materials.
You will be able to coordinate CarFit Events once you complete an interview with the CarFit National Program Coordinator.

Apply for Virtual CarFit Event Coordinator Training

As a reminder: Please update the CarFit section in your CAOT profile when you have completed the Instructor training
  • Training is free.
  • Instructor Training is anyone who is a previously trained Technician and Event Coordinator and who wants to train new Technicians and Event Coordinators in person and offer virtual CarFit and support the CarFit program.
To Register for Virtual CarFit Instructor Training you must: 
  • Be previously trained as a CarFit Technician.
  • Be a previously trained CarFit Event Coordinator
ROLE Description

Important information about Virtual CarFit Instructor Training
You will receive a certificate of training with  40 hours of professional development after reading and watching and reviewing all the materials.  A significant portion of the materials is review of the latest Technician, Coordinator and OT Supplement training.
You will be able to be an active Instructor once you complete an interview with the CarFit National Program Coordinator.

Apply for Virtual CarFit Instructor Training

As a reminder: Please update the CarFit section in your CAOT profile when you have completed the instructor training.

attention button

Upcoming Virtual CarFit Training:  All training levels in French coming in 2024 

Do you have an unanswered question about Virtual CarFit Training?  

  Contact the CarFit Program Coordinator at CAOT