Occupational Therapy Now (OT Now) is CAOT’s practice magazine providing occupational therapists with information to meet the challenges of their day-to-day practice. Articles encourage discussion and debate of occupational therapy issues and appeal to anyone with an interest in occupation and its impact on health: health care practitioners, consumers, policy and decision makers and members of the general public from around the world.

OT Now is published six times a year, in English and French, and is available online.

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Current Opportunities to contribute

Share your voice: Write for OT Now 

This is your chance to have your ideas included in Canada’s occupational therapy practice magazine!
  • Share your successful clinical, fieldwork, or research experiences
  • Help your peers feel connected to the OT community
  • Shine a light on important issues, gaps, and challenges
  • Collaborate with OT Now editors to co-create and co-design your article
  • Spark ideas for new research projects
  • Stimulate conversations and debates
To learn more and submit your article, contact Liz at otnoweditor@caot.ca.

Volunteer positions with OT Now

Resources for readers: Reflection form

Enhance your OT Now magazine reading experience and professional development by completing a reflection form, which will help you to recognize how an article has added to your knowledge or helped identify future learning needs. It also gives you the opportunity to explore how you will integrate an aspect of this article or an idea into your occupational therapy practice.

Complete a Reflection form now.

Resources for submitting an article

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Topics: Regular OT Now issue articles are classified under one of our topics.

Guidelines: Before submitting an article to OT Now, please be sure to review our author guidelines.

Subscribe to Occupational Therapy Now

OT Now is available in electronic format only.

Subscription to OT Now is included in the CAOT annual membership fee. Non-member & Institution subscription rates are listed below.

2023 Rates - Full year (6 issues)

Non-Member   $75.00
Institutional     $75.00  
Single issue (if available): $18.00  

Plus applicable taxes – payable in Canadian funds

To subscribe please contact: subscriptions@caot.ca or (800) 434-2668 ext. 221


Please send questions or submissions to:

Elizabeth Pooley, MSc, OT Reg. (Ont.), (she/her), Managing Editor, Occupational Therapy Now  
Tel: 613-523-2268 ext. 243 / 1 800 434-2268  
Fax: 613-523-2552  
Email: otnoweditor@caot.ca